New Initiative to Support Staying in School
Posted on May 3, 2011 at 4:53 pm
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting has a new media initiative called “American Graduate: Let’s Make It Happen.” Every year, more than 1 million students drop out of high school. If that trend continues, over the next 10 years, it will cost the nation
more than $3 trillion in lost wages, productivity and taxes. Public television has done a great deal for preschoolers and early readers. Now it will try to serve middle and high schoolers. CPB has made a $.4 million grant to 20 public television stations in community “hubs” with the worst records for school dropouts, to raise awareness, coordinate action with community partners, and work directly with students, parents, teachers, mentors, volunteers and leaders to encourage teens to stay in school. As many as 40 more markets will receive grants through the National Center for Media Engagement. And The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, through support to CPB’s Teacher Town Halls and the StoryCorps National Teachers Initiative, will give teachers a way to share their perspectives and experiences with helping all students graduate high school prepared for college and careers. Stay tuned for more information.