Ten Questions about Sucker Punch from Brendon Connelly

Posted on April 2, 2011 at 1:13 pm

The always-brilliant Brendon Connelly of Bleeding Cool has ten fascinating and provocative questions for viewers of Sucker Punch. The movie has been widely derided as incoherent eye candy with only 20 percent positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. A typical comment was from Tom Meek of the Boston Phoenix: “The director of “300” and “Watchmen” has plenty of visual panache, but when it comes to storytelling, he’s a bombastic hack.”

Some of the questions Brendon asks us to ponder:

When do we first see Sweet Pea talk? And when do we last see her talk?
Whereabouts does the first scene in the movie take place? Whereabouts does the last scene in the movie take place?
Which locations, props and images reoccur, where and why?
Why are the girls dressed the way they are?

I’m going to go with the obvious answer on that last one. But Brendon is exceptionally astute on story-telling via editing and image. He has given us questions that are well worth considering to provide context of a movie that, even for people like me who found it disappointing, is clearly more ambitious than most of the reviews gave it credit for. To hear him debate the film with Kevin McCarthy, Josh Hylton, Travis Hopson and me, check out The Kevin and Josh Movie Show. I’ll update this post with a link when one becomes available.

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