Apostles of Comedy: Onwards and Upwards

Posted on June 24, 2013 at 5:57 pm

The very funny Jeff Allen (“Thou Shalt Laugh”), Ron Pearson (“Malcolm & Eddie”) and Keith Alberstadt (“Next Big Comic”) perform on tour in the family-friendly “Apostles of Comedy: Onwards and Upwards.”  It is nice to hear good, old-fashioned humor about the frustrations of daily life and relationships that does not resort to vulgarity or bad language.  Dating, bad weather, cell phones, exercise, children, parents, marriage, travels, family, hair loss, technology, and the mistakes and foibles of the comedians and everyone around them provide plenty of opportunities for laugh-out-loud comedy.  Why would parents not only name their son “Marco,” but lose him in an airport so that calling his name produces the obvious (unhelpful) response?

There are also some great behind-the-scenes moments, especially when Pearson offers a bunch of church-going Christians fifty dollars if they can name the Ten Commandments.  It isn’t the pastor or the church secretary who get it right.  And like all great comedy, there is a lot of insight, and a lot of healing laughter.

I have one copy to give away!  Send me an email with “Comedy” in the subject line at moviemom@moviemom.com.  Don’t forget your address!  (US addresses only.)  I will pick a winner at random on July 1, 2013.

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