Interview: Juliet Stevenson on Playing Mother Teresa in “The Letters

Interview: Juliet Stevenson on Playing Mother Teresa in “The Letters

Posted on December 12, 2015 at 3:26 pm

Juliet Stevenson plays Mother Teresa in William Riead‘s The Letters. In our interview, I began by asking her about playing the famously tiny nun when she is a tall woman. “

Copyright Freestyle Releasing 2015
Copyright Freestyle Releasing 2015

You’re absolutely right and one of the first things I said to Bill Riead when he rang me and asked me to do it was, ‘I think you really may have got the wrong person here. I think you might’ve turned a couple of pages in Spotlight Actresses directory and got the wrong person because I’m five foot eight. I’m rather strongly built and I’m not a Roman Catholic.’ And he said ‘No, no I know exactly who you are.’ I’m physically quite wrong for her and that did worry me a bit, quite a lot actually because she’s so famously small. She is such a legendarily tiny person. The truth is that I think when you’re playing somebody who really lived, yes it’s great if you can find a look-alike but I think what’s more important than that is trying to find the quintessential center of somebody, the essence of somebody. When I started to research her and watched her in documentaries and interviews, her body language is so strong and so particular to her and I thought, ‘Well, maybe if I can really find that body shape, that body language, it wouldn’t matter that I’m a bit taller than her because the body will be very familiar, you know, the shapes. She has these quite tense hunched-over shoulders, her shoulders wrapped around her ears, her chest is quite concave, her head sort of stoops, and then she’s got these wonderful big, fluffy, tactile hands that are always stroking and patting and touching people when she’s talking to them, very tactile sort of touchy-feely hands but this body that’s quite tense and quite withheld and so there is this sort of very conflicting interesting story told in the body language. I thought that might be a route into her and it might mean that people didn’t mind the difference in heights very much as long as they could see that the body was sort of very recognizable, so that’s what I aimed for anyway.”

Stevenson spent a lot of time studying Mother Teresa, including watching her on film. “She’s a gift in a way because of course there is so much footage of her, there are miles and miles of documentaries, interviews, there was a vast amount of film to watch and I sat for long hours in the British Film Institute just watching this old footage. And I had tapes of her which I took in there with me when we filmed and had my little mp3 player on all the time on the set listening to her talking, and listening to her. So I got her rhythm of her speech into in my system. Her accent which is very strange and a real cocktail mix of Albanian where she came from and then India and English. It’s a really interesting, strange combination. So the accent and the patterns of her speech and her body language were my two sort of routes into her and then when eventually I felt they were coming, when they were sort if setting in I felt much more confident about being her.”

The movie makes clear that Mother Teresa had an unusual combination of determination and humility. “She includes great extremes,” Stevenson said. “She was very determined, very tough in a way. She demanded a lot of her girls, of her nuns. I spoke to nuns who had worked with her when they were much younger at the motherhouse and the working day was really tough, no breaks, no lunch hours. It started very early in the morning before dawn, they cleaned, they swept, they scrubbed, they went out to the sick and the poor and the students, they came back and they prayed. It was a really, really tough house and anybody who wasn’t quite up to it, well she was a taskmaster, or a taskmistress. On the other hand, she was extremely compassionate. You see great tenderness in her when she is with children or holding these orphans or with sick, the dying, stroking them, bathing them, talking to them, there is this tenderness and this compassion. So there is one contradiction, this wonderful sort of yin/yang quality. But there are many of those contradictions in her. She lived a very public life, she’s always surrounded by people, but she was very, very lonely I think in certain ways. She combined many opposites. We perhaps all do to some extent but she is quite an extreme version of it and I think that took great strength. I think it means that she actually understood a huge range of human experience and human qualities and I think the greatest paradox is that she had this great crisis of faith, this woman who seems to embody unflinching stalwart Christian values and steadfastness was actually privately in agony of doubt; thought that God had abandoned her, missed him keenly like a woman whose beloved husband has walked out the door and she doesn’t know why, she doesn’t know when he’s coming back or if he is coming back. Like such a woman she lived in grief and loneliness privately for over 40 years and that was what she wrote to the priest about, to her confidant, her spiritual advisor, Father Van Exem. I think in some way maybe she used this lowliness and disbelief to channel the work. She connected with those people more because they too were lonely and abandoned and she had something in common with them though she might not have known that she felt that. I am sure that might well have been what gave her some sort of strength. In the same way that when we are miserable in our private lives we often do plow ourselves in hard work schedules and whatever to escape and I think in a way you could see her as an example of that; now we know what she was privately going through.”

Stevenson also spoke about the experience of living and working in India, near the places Mother Teresa lived and worked. “India does change you, I have never been before and I was sometimes quite overwhelmed by the beauty, by the poverty, the otherness of it. I mean I have never been anywhere like it and I have traveled a lot in the world. I really got hooked on it. Then my children came out to visit for two weeks in the holidays and I think had a big influence on them. My son had never seen anything like it. We were staying in such a luxurious hotel and I am going out every morning to film in a slum and so he came from the hotel out to visit me with my husband and daughter. So he saw one extreme of India, the new wealth, very flamboyant wealth that India was enjoying in certain areas and then the extreme poverty in which is still experienced in other areas. And every day he went from one to the other and he found that very challenging. But he is very, very glad that he had that experience.”

And she talked about what made Mother Teresa an extraordinary leader, so inspiring to those around her. “I think we are in a world where we have to witness an enormous amount of poverty, bloodshed, destruction, malevolence, hostility, appalling stuff and we don’t know what to do about it. And it is the first time in history, just in the last hundred years when we we know what’s going on, perhaps we didn’t know much about what’s going on but now we have the media everywhere and we see all of this. We don’t know what to do about it. If somebody stands and says, ‘Hey, this is what you can do about it. It’s not difficult. You can do something and you don’t have to rely on the government. You can stand up. One person can make a difference. Just roll up your sleeves, pick up a bucket, go out and scrub or pick up somebody, lay them down, bath them, feed them.’ This idea that she personally picked up 40,000 people off the streets in a country where nobody at all paid any interest to them and — that is inspiring because you say, ‘I can do something, I too can do something.’ And it is not something beyond our reach, it is quite simple, practical stuff. She found an empty building, she cleaned it. She created mattresses that were clean. She had people that were washing everything, she bathed people, she loved them, she fed them, she stroked them, she prayed with them, she talked to them. These are all things within our reach, very easily within our reach and I think that’s what’s inspiring. You don’t have to have a degree, you don’t have to have a license, you don’t have to have anything to do that. It may not be so easy now but we can all do something. She is very practical, very realistic in a way. She fought the obstacles that were there and they could be overcome; obstacles in the church or obstacles in the community but she just believed in herself. She believed in what she was doing and she knew that she could make a difference. You could say that’s the message in the film — if you believe you too can make a difference, you can do it. And let’s make compassion something that we respond to by getting up and doing something not just talking about it or saying it is awful or it is terrible, do something, stand up, be counted. I love that idea.”

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Actors Interview
Interview: Bill Riead of the Mother Teresa Film, “The Letters”

Interview: Bill Riead of the Mother Teresa Film, “The Letters”

Posted on December 8, 2015 at 3:58 pm

William Riead is the writer/director of the lovely film about Mother Teresa called The Letters. It was a great pleasure to talk to him about his dedication to sharing her story. “I wanted the story to be accurate when I started researching Mother Teresa’s life. What I wanted to do was let the chips fall where they may, if she’s a good person let’s find it out, if she is not who we thought she was let’s find it out, and so I just sort of let the story tell itself and let the script sort of take its own direction as I was doing my research. And when I came upon the letters that she had written, I couldn’t think of a better actor to cast than Max Von Sydow and let him tell her story through reflecting back on the letters that he received over a 40 year period. There were three of four trunk loads of these letters which told her story and I took it as a responsibility to let it be told truthfully by her own words.”

Copyright Freestyle Releasing 2015
Copyright Freestyle Releasing 2015

He begins the film with an investigation to consider Mother Teresa for sainthood. “In real life the Vatican does assign a postulator for someone that they designate a candidate for sainthood. And in this particular case I created this character to go out and investigate whether she was worthy of canonization or not. And so little by little he concluded that she was beyond saint-worthy for sure. That was my conclusion when I finished writing the script and ultimately made the movie, I knew that there wouldn’t be one man, woman or child who left the theater who wouldn’t draw the same conclusion that I drew: that she is a saint.”

Mother Teresa’s letters created some controversy because she was candid about her doubts and frustrations. “People who know that I made this film would approach me and say, ‘You know Mother Theresa lost faith in God right? You know that?’ And I have to straighten them out and say, ‘No, Mother Teresa never ever lost faith in God. She felt like God had abandoned her, and lots of saints do, it’s called the dark night of the soul. And she experienced that like all the saints.’ She was very human. We can all aspire to be as selfless as she was but she was very much a human being. All sainthood really means is someone who the Vatican has declared for sure has made it to heaven and is experiencing God and so that could be any of us. And my feeling is if Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu who would become Mother Theresa of Calcutta didn’t make it to heaven, none of the rest of us have a shot at it.”

The movie shows her experiencing what she called “the calling within a calling,” when she was already a cloistered nun but felt that God told her to work with “the poorest of the poor.” Riead said, “Her first calling was she wanted to be a missionary when she was a little girl and that didn’t become practical. Where she got the thing with the poor is she would be sitting at the family dinner table in Albania and her mom would go to answer the door and there would be a poor family who would be at the door because mom was out somewhere that day, found the poor family and invited them to her home to have dinner with them at the dinner table. She didn’t just give them money and give them food out on the street. She would say, ‘Come eat with us.'”

“So Anjezë experienced this sharing and decency from incredibly wonderful parents and then when she went off to become a nun and then ultimately settled into the life of a teacher at the Loreto Convent School. Her mother sent her a letter saying, ‘Anjezë do not forget why you became a nun.’ That was to help the poor. But she was a cloistered nun, she had taken the vows of a cloistered nun, which mean you cannot go outside of the convent walls. She realized that her mother was right and that her true calling was to help the poor and to be a selfless person and so she gave her life to God and said, ‘I’m going to do everything I can to honor what I think you put me on this earth for.’ And so she then absolutely dedicated her life to helping the poorest of the poor and that ultimately led to her having to start her own order because Mother General didn’t want her to leave. She was simply protecting her turf and when students started abandoning the Loreto Convent School and going off to join Mother Teresa, she had not started her own order yet but they just wanted to help, Mother General became extremely upset and said she was pilfering their students and so forth. I did not put that in the film because I felt that that would upset the Catholic community even though it’s the truth. There’s nothing about my film that is not the truth. I spent twelve years as a journalist so I wanted to get this right but Mother General eventually came around. Mother Teresa’s kindness, goodness and selflessness eventually so impressed Mother General that she became a fan as well.”

Riead was impressed to learn in his research that Mother Teresa was both driven and egoless, a very rare combination. “How can you be that driven without an ego? Because she felt she was a pen from God’s hand. When I was putting this project together I experienced the same thing. When I set out to make this film I became obsessed and the more obsessed I became the less ego I had. The more exposure I had to Mother Teresa the more I became like Mother Teresa. When we were filming in India there wasn’t one of us on the cast or crew who didn’t feel Mother Teresa’s presence. All of us left India and went to our respective homes Juliet Stevenson to England, and me to Los Angeles and so forth and all of us left not the same people we were when we arrived there, none of us. We all felt Mother Teresa’s presence.”

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Directors Interview Writers
Where You’ve Seen Her Before: Juliet Stevenson

Where You’ve Seen Her Before: Juliet Stevenson

Posted on December 4, 2015 at 3:52 pm

Juliet Stevenson gives a performance of haunting beauty as Mother Teresa in this week’s film, “The Letters.” She is one of my favorite actors, and if you have not seen her in these films, now is a good time to check them out.

Truly Madly Deeply is one of the finest films ever made about grief and loss. Stevenson is radiant as a young widow who is at first thrilled when the ghost of her husband (Alan Rickman in a rare romantic lead role) returns, and then has to learn that life is for the living.

Bend it Like Beckham Stevenson plays an ultra-feminine mother of a soccer-loving daughter (Keira Knightley).

The Politician’s Wife Long before “The Good Wife,” Stevenson played the wife standing with the frozen smile behind a politician at a press conference, apologizing for a dalliance with another woman. This British miniseries has a very satisfying twist.

Emma Four of the best dimples in the movies are on display as Stevenson and Alan Cumming play husband and wife in this version of Jane Austen’s novel.

She is also a superb narrator of Audible books.

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Actors Where You’ve Seen Them Before
The Letters

The Letters

Posted on December 3, 2015 at 5:46 pm

Copyright Freestyle Releasing 2015
Copyright Freestyle Releasing 2015

Mother Teresa, the Albanian nun who devoted her life to “the poorest of the poor” in India, is one of the foremost figures of the 20th century, and on the way to being recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church. Some people are disturbed by discovering through her published letters that at times she felt doubts about herself, her work, and even about God. But it was that same resolute honesty that compelled her to follow her calling and it would be more disturbing if she never doubted or if she doubted and did not feel she could express it. Her accomplishments are even more impressive once we learn how fiercely she wrestled with God.

In “The Letters,” Juliet Stevenson plays Mother Teresa, from her early days as a nun to establishing her own order. At first, in the convent in India, she is teaching young girls in starched uniforms who sit quietly and are eager to learn. But she receives “a calling within a calling” and believes she has been called on by God to work with “the poorest of the poor.” Reconciling this determination with her vow of obedience and her dedication to humility is not easy. Persuading the people that she hopes to help that all she wants is to help them, not convert them, is not easy.

The tall actress Juliet Stevenson does a fine job as the tiny nun. Some people may object that the movie caters to those who are already believers. It does not question Mother Teresa’s greatness or her tactics and it elides over some of the controversies concerning the expansion of her operations and whether her faith-based approach was always best for the people she was helping. Some viewers will find the film slow, though for me that was one of its strengths. Writer/director Bill Riead makes sure that its quiet power is more like a prayer than a biographical portrait, a calling inside a calling inside a calling and one that its subject would find most suitable.

Parents should know that this movie’s themes concern work with the “poorest of the poor,” with extreme deprivation and illness.

Family discussion: What is the best way to help the “poorest of the poor?” Why did Mother Teresa want to help people who were not Catholic?

If you like this, try: “The Life Journey of Mother Teresa,” a documentary

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Based on a true story Biography Drama Spiritual films

Exclusive Clip: “The Letters,” Based on the Life of Mother Teresa

Posted on November 17, 2015 at 8:00 am

“The Letters,” coming to theaters December 4, 2015, is the story of one of the world’s great humanitarians, Mother Teresa, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Her commitment to the poorest of the poor inspired the world. In “The Letters,” based on her correspondence, a Vatican priest is charged with the task of investigating acts and events following her death. He recounts her life’s work, her political oppression, her religious zeal and her unbreakable spirit.

Written and directed by William Riead, “The Letters” stars Juliet Stevenson, Max Van Sydow and Rutger Hauer.

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