Clips from “The Sword in the Stone”
Posted on June 3, 2008 at 5:56 pm
I am so happy that Disney is releasing “The Sword in the Stone” on DVD! It is the story of young King Arthur, a medieval page who learns he is the true king of England. The wizard Merlin teaches him what he will need to know to be a a good and just ruler and protects him by fighting with the evil Madam Mim. It is classic Disney animation and one of my favorites. Keep checking as I hope to have one or two to give away. In the meantime, here are some clips:
This movie got me into King Arthur – and I fell hard for it all. This is surely some of the first food that nourished adult fans of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Madame Mim is amazing – and the wizard’s battle is an excellent treatise on power.