Can You Help Me Do Better?

Posted on February 24, 2010 at 10:00 am

I love all of the comments I get, even the ones that tell me why I’m wrong. I’d love to hear more from you about how I can do better and what we at Beliefnet can do to make you feel more welcome and engaged and to give you the information you are looking for. Please take a moment to give us some feedback through our new survey. And of course, keep those comments coming!
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5 Replies to “Can You Help Me Do Better?”

  1. Your pieces on B’net are some of the most comprehensive and interesting I have seen the entire pantheon of media critics. I am especially interested because you review not only movies, but videos, TV shows, the ads and trailers, and other media related to all of this. Your opinions are valuable and worth reading every time. I appreciate your eclectic approach, which keeps in mind that media do not operate isolated or in a vacuum. Well done, hear hear, and Hoorah for Movie Mom on B’net!!

  2. I’m with jestrfyl. I used to catch your movie reviews on Yahoo, but I love the fact that Beliefnet lets you expand into other media/issues (and said as much in the survey).

  3. I love your reviews of movies & other video media. They are so thoughtful, they let me make informed decisions about what I see.
    I do wish Beliefnet didn’t have so many pop-ups — I always have to close the one with the poor children, and even with pop-ups blocked, often have to close a netflix one at the end of the day. And the highlighted words which are not links provided by you are annoying.

  4. Thanks so much, Wendy and Pam! I am very happy to have a chance to write about the things that interest, engage, inspire, and infuriate me! And yes, the pop-ups and ad links drive me crazy, too. I wonder if our readers would be willing to pay a subscription fee to be free of those distractions?

  5. I come from the opposite position. I don’t love the ads and pop-ups, but I’ll take them to keep it free.

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