Frock Flicks on the Best Black and White Movie Costumes
Posted on April 10, 2016 at 3:54 pm
I always love to see what the Frock Flicks ladies have to say and I especially loved the list of the five best black and white costumes.
Of course Audrey Hepburn’s Ascot dress is on the list.
But I had forgotten all about Christina Ricci’s black and white striped dress in “Sleepy Hollow” (it reminded me of Beetlejuice’s outfit in another Tim Burton film). And I’d never seen this one, from the 1997 “Anna Karenina.”

I love what Kendra wrote:
first, you’ve got this AMAZING bodice. Not only do we have stripes, but the combination of narrow and wide stripe makes things more sophisticated than if the two stripes were of equivalent widths. Next, you’ve got that stripe placed in about a million amazing directions: diagonal on the bodice and sleeves, horizontal on the cuffs, and those chevrons in back! I could probably come up with that on my own, but the solid white waistcoat, solid black lapels, and the solid black turnbacks on the cuffs and skirting-in-back? G.E.N.I.U.S.
Taking the genius to astronomical levels is the skirt. I could imagine pairing this with a skirt in the same stripe. I could also see putting it with a skirt in a solid white or black in a similar weight fabric. But the genius (sorry, I can’t stop!) of the sheer ruffled skirt, with all those teeny tiny black edgings? And the black sash tying the train back? That clunk you heard is every right-thinking person in the world falling over dead from fabulosity.