
Posted on December 13, 2002 at 5:18 am

Lowest Recommended Age: Mature High Schooler
Profanity: Strong language for PG-13
Alcohol/ Drugs: Teen drinking and smoking, references to drug use
Violence/ Scariness: Tension and peril
Diversity Issues: Friends of different races
Date Released to Theaters: 2002

Haven’t we all seen this already? Many times? Too many times?

A nice, cute guy who seems to have it all meets extremely attractive girl who promises him guilt-free sex learns the sad lesson that there is no such thing. The big difference this time is that instead of being a lawyer (“Fatal Attraction”) or a radio show host (“Play Misty for Me”), this time the guy is a high school swimming champion.

Even though anyone who has ever seen a movie will know everything that is going to happen, there are some pretty good jump-out-at-you surprises. Having the hero (Jesse Bradford) spend so much time in the pool, wearing nothing but a swimsuit and goggles, adds to the atmosphere of vulnerability and otherworldliness. Erika Christensen of “Traffic” is very effective in her retro good-girl dresses and high heels, and uses her babyface well to switch instantly from innocence to obsession. Overall, though, the movie is a forgettable retread of more effective thrillers.

Parents should know that the movie has sexual references and situations, strong language, and violence. There is a reference to drug testing of athletes that is positive for steroid use.

Families who see this movie should talk about the choices made by Ben, Amy, and Madison.

Families who enjoy this movie will enjoy the woman-scorned-stalker classics Fatal Attraction and Play Misty For Me. They may also want to try the underrated Alicia Silverstone thriller, The Crush.

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