The Only Shot James Cameron Changed in “Titanic” for the Re-release

Posted on April 3, 2012 at 12:59 pm

Thanks to my pal Brandon Fibbs for sharing the story.  James Cameron decided not to pull a “Han shot first” George Lucas move and make any tweaks to “Titanic” for the 3D re-release.  Except for one change.

There is one shot that I fixed. It’s because Neil deGrasse Tyson, who is one of the U.S.’ leading astronomers, sent me quite a snarky email saying that, at that time of year, in that position in the Atlantic in 1912, when Rose is lying on the piece of driftwood and staring up at the stars, that is not the star field she would have seen, and with my reputation as a perfectionist, I should have known that and I should have put the right star field in. So I said, ‘All right, you son of a b**ch, send me the right stars for the exact time, 4.20am on April 15, 1912, and I’ll put it in the movie.’ So that’s the one shot that has been changed.



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