Learn Code with Elsa and Anna!
Posted on December 4, 2014 at 8:00 am
Code.org is a non-profit dedicated to giving every student in every school the opportunity to learn computer programming. They have partnered with Disney to create tutorials hosted by “Frozen’s” heroines, Anna and Elsa. Disney is also very generously contributing $100,000 contribution to fund Code.org’s work to bring computer science education to afterschool programs around the United States. Disney Interactive offices nationwide will also host their own Hour of Code activities for neighborhood students.

In this one-hour activity, you will learn to write code to help Anna and Elsa create snowflakes and magical “ice craft,” while also learning logic, math and cultivating creative confidence. Then, you can share your creations online or with friends.
Try a preview now, at Code Studio!
Celebrities and technologists, including Polyvore CEO Jess Lee, app developer and model Lyndsey Scott, Microsoft engineer Paola Mejia, and model Karlie Kloss (a beginner who’s learning to code herself), will provide short video lectures to guide students. The girl-power theme of the tutorial is a continuation of our efforts to expand diversity in computer science and broaden female participation in the field, starting with younger students.
Give it a try! It is lots of fun, and who knows, maybe you will be on your way to creating the next “Frozen!”