Back to School Advice from Parent to Parent

Posted on August 28, 2010 at 3:51 pm

2009-05-15-ChildRaisingHand.JPGCommon Sense Media has a very worthwhile list of back to school tips from the people who’ve been there — other parents. I especially like the idea of taking cell phones and putting them on an out-of-bedroom charger before bed and telling kids that privileges are earned by good behavior, not by reaching a particular age or grade. I support a no-television-or-movies-or-games-on-school-nights rule from kindergarten on, and strongly urge parents not to allow televisions or computers in a child’s bedroom, at meals, or on car trips of under an hour. Most important on the CSM list is, as always, for parents to set a good example. One of the best things you can do to get your child’s school year off to a good start is to let them see you sitting down often to enjoy a good book.

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