New York Comic-Con 2014
Posted on October 9, 2014 at 8:00 am

I’m excited about my first-ever visit to New York Comic-Con, which opens tonight at the Javits Center in Manhattan. I’ll be there Saturday and Sunday. Highlights will include a 75th anniversary celebration for Marvel, glimpses of upcoming films like Disney’s “Big Hero 6” and Dreamworks’ “Penguins of Madagascar.” Both NY Comic-Con and Star Trek turn 50, so there will be some looking back. And there will be looks forward at upcoming games, television shows, and movies.
You can go to sessions on designing your own cape, fighting with lightsabers, or creating your own 3D action figures. You can learn about banned comics and the people who are fighting for them. There are tributes to MAD Magazine and Godzilla, to Firefly, Bob’s Burgers, and Archie. Syfy and Doctor Who have panels.
Stay tuned for updates!