List: Women’s History Month Documentaries

Posted on March 12, 2012 at 3:45 pm

For Women’s History Month, check out this documentaries about extraordinary American women:

1. Ahead of Time: The Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber She was the youngest PhD in the world, assistant to a member of FDR’s Cabinet, went on a secret mission to rescue 1000 Jewish refugees and American military personnel, and worked as a journalist.

2. Life of Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I a Woman? The eloquent spokeswoman for freedom and equality set an example that continues to inspire those who fight for justice.

3. Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony The story of the leaders of the movement to give voting rights to the disenfranchised half of the American population.

4. Dare to Dream: The Story of the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team The stirring story of Mia Hamm, Brandy Chastain, and the women’s soccer team.

5. Yoo-Hoo Mrs. Goldberg Aviva Kempner’s documentary about Gertrude Berg shows that she was more than the star of one of television’s first hit series, she was a pioneering producer and businesswoman as well.

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