Free This Weekend: Ebook About Parenting

Posted on December 29, 2012 at 8:00 am

This weekend only, get Annie Fox’s ebook, Teaching Kids to Be Good People: Progressive Parenting for the 21st Century for free on Amazon.

“Not all teachers are parents, but all parents are teachers. When we teach kids to be good people who possess the social courage to do the right thing, we help to make the world a safer, saner, more accepting place for all of us,” Fox says. This is a very personal, step-by-step guide to teaching your children to make healthy choices (online and off). Because being good is not enough.  She explains that we have to do good and gives simple, accessible ideas on how to have “conversations that count.”

It’s a pragmatic and funny guide that includes essays, podcasts, prompts, tools, questions, answers, and self-assessment quizzes to help parents become engaged in this process and inspire your children to do the right thing when no one’s watching, and when everyone is watching.

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Books Parenting