Celebrate Earth Day With These Great Movies

Posted on April 22, 2013 at 8:00 am

In addition to previously recommended Earth Day movies, take a look at these gorgeous documentaries about the creatures with whom we share this great planet:

1. March of the Penguins This worldwide sensation takes us to Antarctica, where these elegant birds triumph over brutal cold to protect their fragile eggs and tender chicks.

2. Flow: For Love of Water Our most precious natural resource and the threats from corporations, governments, and our own short-sightedness.

3. Winged Migration Soar with the birds in this breathtaking film.

4. Microcosmos The tiny creatures of the insect world are explored in mesmerizing close-up.

5. Born to Be Wild Rescue efforts for elephants and orangutans are heartwarming and inspiring in this beautifully filmed real-life story.

Jennifer Merin has a great list of Earth Day documentaries, too.

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Documentary Environment/Green Lists
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