Holiday Gift Guide

Posted on December 10, 2008 at 10:00 am

The Movie Mom’s Five Favorite Family Gifts for 2008

1. Treasury of 20 Storybook Classics The best DVD series for kids has a new collection that features some of its best productions of great stories with great illustrations and music read by great performers. This collection includes Diary of a Spider and Karma Wilson’s Bear Snores On and Bear Wants More (narrated by the author), along with a wacky version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, plus the delightful The Mouse and the Motorcycle, and an entire disc of stories to celebrate the environment like Owl Moon and Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message. This is a treasure, filled with stories to engage, delight and inspire — and to encourage reading.

2. Boomerang My highest recommendation for this “audio magazine for kids,” a perfect gift for any family with children from age 7-14. Its features, interviews, and jokes will keep the entire family engrossed and enchanted. Take out the kids’ individual earphones and let everyone in the car listen in; I can promise you will end up sitting in the driveway unable to go inside the house until you hear the end of the story.

3. Action Figures, Toys, and Assorted Tschotschkes

dude action figure.jpg

Encourage imaginative play or just decorate someone’s desk with these goodies from just about any movie, television show, or game. A perfect gift for that hard-to-please fan who thinks he/she has everything. But don’t you think they should call The Dude an IN-action figure?

4. Leading Couples Fans of classic old movies will love this wonderful book about the great romantic leading ladies and gentlemen from Tracy-Hepburn to Powell-Loy. This is a lot of fun to read and will inspire some great Netflix queue choices.

5. Fraggle Rock: The Complete Series Collection It’s time for a whole new generation to get to know the denizens of Fraggle Rock, the classic Jim Henson series that gently explores issues of communication and connection.

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3 Replies to “Holiday Gift Guide”

  1. OK, anyone who actually posts a photo of The Dude (in)action figure on B’net has risen astronomically in my estimation. I am not sure that kids who PLAY with actions figures are quite the demongraphic for “Lebowski”.
    Injection molded ephemera are cool to display in unexpected places. I have Comic Book Guy standing guard over my collection of Simpsons commentaries. And The Black Knight (missing legs and arms) stands vigil over my 2 shelves of King Arthur material (well actually, the Killer Bunny guards another part). And I have shelves of plastic gods – from Bobble-Head and Action Jesus to Hindu finger puppets. O they amusement they bring when new visitors to my lair – uh, office see one or another peeking out between the bindings. Now I ahppen to have in storage a whole box of Power Rangers (unopened and in excellent condition) from more than 15 years ago, if there is someone interested in recharging their 20+ year old’s nostalgic batteries.

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