Metal of Honor — 9/11 Documentary

Posted on September 8, 2011 at 8:00 am

The full-length touching documentary “Metal of Honor” is the story of the ironworkers who arrived as the towers were collapsing and stayed for up to eight months to make sure the area was cleared safely.  It is on Youtube, and is highly recommended as we think of the courage and sacrifice inspired by the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
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4 Replies to “Metal of Honor — 9/11 Documentary”

  1. I was at 9/11 as an IronWorker, saw the original version of metal of honor in 2002, again in 2006 on TV and just purchased a version,thats much more heavily edited.I’m in the video, they used one of my pictures for advertisement and on the website.I tried to take screenshots to post to my Facebook 9/11 Ironworkers Group and they came out scrambled.I looked up the SC-BY-SA? copyrights. It seems somewhat publicly available under certain terms I may qualify for. I noticed it’s pulled, can you tell me anything about what you went through? Greatly appreciated,
    Thank You, Sincerely,
    Kelly Miller

    1. Kelly, I don’t have any information about that, but you can contact Spike TV, which is listed as the producer. Good luck!

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