MVP of the week, sort of: Ryan Reynolds

Posted on July 16, 2013 at 3:59 pm

It is unusual for an actor to star in two major studio feature films opening the same week.  Studios understandably do not want to split the fans by making them choose between two options.  Even though the audiences for the two films starring People Magazine’s 2010 Sexiest Man Alive Ryan Reynolds do not have much overlap — “Turbo” is an animated family movie about a racing snail and “RIPD” is a PG-13 “Men in Black”-style buddy cop story about the un-dead police force — it seems a strange choice to release them in the same week.

Even stranger, “”RIPD” is not screening for critics, always a sign that the studio has no confidence in a film.  For Reynolds fans, the racing snail looks like the safest bet.

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