121212 — The Concert for Sandy Relief

Posted on December 12, 2012 at 2:51 pm

Be sure to tune in tonight at 7:30 Eastern for 121212: The Concert for Sandy Relief in support of the Robin Hood Foundation.  Jersey boy Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band kick things off, followed by Alicia Keys, Billy Joel, Kanye West, Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Dave Grohl,  Chris Martin, Roger Waters, Eddie Vedder, and The Who. Celebrity presenters include Jon Stewart, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sean Combs and Chris Rock.and The Who in a star-packed four hour show. Thirty-four television stations will broadcast the concert, including AMC, the Smithsonian Channel and HBO. Additionally, another 30 websites — including Hulu, AOL and Yahoo — will stream the show live. Two Sirius XM stations, Channel 20 and Channel 22, will play the show.

Text ROBINHOOD to 50555 to donate $10.  You can pre-order the album on iTunes.

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