
Posted on July 29, 2013 at 8:06 am

Lowest Recommended Age: Mature High Schooler
MPAA Rating: NR
Profanity: Very strong and crude language
Alcohol/ Drugs: Drinking
Violence/ Scariness: Tense and sad confrontations and loss
Diversity Issues: Age and sexual orientation diversity is a theme of the movie
Date Released to Theaters: 2013
Date Released to DVD: July 29, 2013 ASIN: B00CBG9SQS

Two of the all-time great actresses play a long-time couple who must find a way to cope with the indignities of aging — and the greater indignities of the way they are treated by their families and the legal system.  Oscar winners Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker play a long-time couple, one losing her sight, one losing her hearing.  With the best of intentions, one’s granddaughter plans to put her in a nursing home.  The only way for them to stay together is to run away to Canada, where they can get legally married.

And so, they take to the road, where they pick up a hunky hitchhiker (newcomer Ryan Doucette).  Like the lovely “Still Mine,” also set in Canada, this is a beautifully performed story about a love that spans decades, brimming with tenderness and heartwarming devotion, and gives rare depth and dignity to characters in their 70’s.

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After the kids go to bed Comedy Drama DVD/Blu-Ray Pick of the Week Neglected gem Romance