What Happens When a Movie Opens Cold?

Posted on April 6, 2014 at 8:00 am

It’s not unusual for low-budget horror films, movies based on video games, and Tyler Perry movies to open “cold,” without giving critics a chance to see and review them before they are in theaters.  The usual reason is that the studios do not expect to get even a single good review from a mainstream critic.  Or they are “critic-proof” — a proven record of selling tickets even without reviews to get the word out, or, in the case of Tyler Perry and video games, a strong brand with a loyal following.

It is unusual for a big-budget, big effects studio film with three Oscar-winners and a highly respected writer/director to open cold.  But that was the case in most cities with “Noah,” starring Russell Crowe.  It’s hard to imagine a stronger brand than a Bibical epic with so much talent associated with it.  But some complaints by a small fraction of the “faith-based” audience (most of whom had not seen the film) seemed to spook the studio.  Nevertheless, the film got good reviews, with a respectable 75% recommending the film on Rotten Tomatoes, and sold a more than respectable $44 million in tickets on its opening weekend.

Indiewire asked its critic members how they respond when a movie opens cold.  “Two questions: Does it affect your mindset going into a movie knowing the studio didn’t want critics to see it before it opened? And is there anything wrong with making critics wait to see a movie at the same time the public does?”

All the responses are thoughtful and insightful, but I particularly agree with Rafer Guzman of Newsday.

When studios hold back a release from critics, that only tells me what the studios think. I still go in with an open mind, and often I’m surprised and rewarded. I’ll risk my credibility with a few examples: “R.I.P.D.” was not a total failure. I actually enjoyed “I, Frankenstein.” The studios held “Pompeii” for a Wednesday night screening, usually a bad sign, and that turned out to be one of the best pulp movies I’ve seen in years. I think, or at least I hope, that I can be objective about a movie no matter what the circumstances.

I try to be very clear about who the studios are, and what they owe me. They are private companies and they owe me nothing. They’re not the U.S. government. They’re under no obligation to show me their movie, offer up their stars or treat me any differently from the average moviegoer. And even when they do, I’m still duty-bound to be an honest critic. I was reading Carl Sandburg’s old reviews recently, and I’m pretty sure he just walked into a theater like everybody else and then wrote down his thoughts. I like the purity of that, the total absence of handshake agreements and back-scratching. In an ideal world, things would still be that way!

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Critics Understanding Media and Pop Culture

In Memory of Roger Ebert — One Year Later

Posted on April 4, 2014 at 9:28 am

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Critics on Critics: What Words Would You Ban from Reviews?

Posted on January 9, 2014 at 8:00 am

Indiewire’s weekly poll turns the critics on themselves, asking them to disclose what words they would ban from reviews.  From “epic” to “game-changer” to “Oscar-worthy,” they tell us what terms are overused, under-specific, and just too easy.   I admit to using some of these, and appreciate the reminder, but the fact is that some films are epic and some performances are Oscar-worthy.

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Critics Understanding Media and Pop Culture

Worst Movies of 2013 — Round-Up

Posted on January 2, 2014 at 8:00 am

the-counselor-posterThanks to New York Magazine’s Vulture column for including my thoughts in the round-up of the worst films of 2013.  Here’s the consolidated list.

As always, there are some movies that end up on both best and worst lists, notably “The Counselor” and “To the Wonder.”  But that’s part of the fun of end of year lists!

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Critics Lists Media Appearances

Rogerebert.com has All Women Writers This Week

Posted on December 9, 2013 at 2:46 pm

Chaz Ebert has announced that everything posted on rogerebert.com this week will be written by a woman.  I’m delighted to kick it off with my tribute to Barbara Stanwyck, inspired by the Pre-Code film series I am co-hosting with Margaret Talbott at Washington DC’s Hill Center (Hurray!  We’ll be doing it again in 2014) and by a new book, the first volume of a new two-volume biography of Stanwyck, A Life of Barbara Stanwyck: Steel-True 1907-1940, by Victoria Wilson.  Chaz promises that the week will include

memories of women in film and television this year from Alyssa Rosenberg…Susan Wloszczyna, Christy Lemire and Sheila O’Malley will discuss 1980s cult film “Ms. 45.” Anne Elizabeth Moore will discuss lesbians and male directors in connection with “Blue is the Warmest Color.” Joyce Kulhawik will review “Nuclear Nation,” Sheila O’Malley will review “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” Marsha McCreadie will review “Punk Singer,” and there will be eight more reviews from our talented women critics.

You can follow all the new posts here.  Looking forward to reading it all!

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