Best Actor in the Worst Movie and More From Rotten Tomatoes — From Slate
Posted on June 6, 2011 at 3:29 pm
Slate has taken data from Rotten Tomatoes to compute the career trajectories of actors and directors. The results are unexpected — would anyone guess that the actor with the best reviews is….Daniel Autueil? And the worst actress…Jennifer Love Hewitt? I’m a fan of both.
To be fair, on Rotten Tomatoes actors do not get individual scores, though that’s a fun idea. How would you like to read a review that gave individual report cards to each of the people in or behind the film? Autueil is a brilliant French actor who is equally adept at drama and comedy. If he has made bad films, they have not made it to the United States. Jennifer Love Hewitt is a fine actress who has appeared in some lousy (but financially successful) movies. But the statistics are fascinating nevertheless, and Slate has included its own interactive chart, so you can put in the name of any actor or director to see how his or her career has risen and fallen over the years and even compare them to each other. Try John Travolta, Jim Carrey, and Brad Pitt.