We the Voters: Short Films to Inspire and Educate

Posted on September 20, 2016 at 3:32 pm

In this especially contentious and frustrating election year, We the Voters features short films to educate and inspire voters. If you are not happy with the impact that politicians and corporations are having on our election, check out these films to learn how the system works and how to make it work better to reflect the public interest.

We the Voters Trailer from We the Voters on Vimeo.

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Shorts VOD and Streaming

Joseph Gordon Levitt Wants to Know Your Thoughts on Technology and Democracy

Posted on February 6, 2016 at 2:53 pm

Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s HitRECord project has a new initiative. He’s asking everyone to answer these questions:

1. Is today’s technology good or bad for Democracy?
2. How might the technology of the future be BAD for Democracy?
3. How might the technology of the future be GOOD for Democracy?

You can give your own answer or film an interview or discussion or just provide an example. Join the conversation!

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Internet, Gaming, Podcasts, and Apps Politics
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