Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins

Posted on February 7, 2008 at 6:00 pm

Lowest Recommended Age: High School
MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual content, language and some drug references.
Profanity: Strong and crude language for a PG13
Alcohol/ Drugs: Drinking, drug references
Violence/ Scariness: Comic peril and violence
Diversity Issues: Diverse characters, a strength of the movie is the positive portrayal of an inter-racial relationship
Date Released to Theaters: February 8, 2008

roscoe%20jenkins.jpg“Family is a 24-7 reality check,” explains one of the parade of nightmare relatives. “This is one hell of a family,” says another. These two statements pretty much summarize the movie. And that’s the good news.
Family reunions on screen create immediate identification. We all know what it feels like to come home to our families of origin and discover how quickly those carefully-assembled grown-up personas disappear and those just-below-the-surface rivalries take over. That is why it is fun to see it happen to someone else. This set-up and a talented cast provide the engine that keeps this movie going even when the screenplay lags behind.
Martin Lawrence plays a therapist/author with a successful talk show. He is engaged to Bianca (Joy Bryant) the gorgeous and intensely competitive champion of the reality show “Survivor.” He brings her to meet his family on his first visit home in nine years, for his parents’ 50th anniversary celebration. Although his son Jamaal wanted to be with the family, R.J. had not planned to go – he sent a giant flat-panel TV instead. But Bianca points out that it would be great publicity to film it for his television show, showing the hometown boy made good, surrounding by adoring relatives.


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