I Forgive You: A Powerful and Inspiring New Series on GMC

Posted on November 14, 2012 at 3:47 pm

GMC has a deeply moving new documentary series premiering this Sunday at 9 and 11 called I Forgive You, with stories of people to forgive those who have hurt them or someone they love.  Instead of the usual reality fare of competitions and catfights, this show brings two parties together to try and facilitate healing, overcome hatred, anger and revenge from real-life traumatizing events. Guided with mediation and healing support from educator and therapist Angie Richey, each story will showcase those who forgive and those who are forgiven.  Both require courage and both can be intensely spiritual and healing.  Demonstrating the power of forgiveness motivated by people’s faith, goodness, and, in many cases, their spiritual values, the series showcases individuals seeking to forgive someone from a criminal or violent act, as well as estranged family members, and love, marriage or business relationships that ended with hatred or bitterness.



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