Are You Sure She Didn’t Say “Least Fascinating?” Barbara Walters’ New List
Posted on November 30, 2011 at 9:42 am
Barbara Walters has announced the line-up for her annual “Most Fascinating” television show (as always, leaving one player-to-be-named-later spot at the end for a surprise). This is the best she could do? Pippa Middleton? Her two achievements of 2011 were (1) being pretty and (2) having her sister marry a prince. Many of Walters’ choices seem so-five-years-ago. Donald Trump? Simon Cowell? Derek Jeter? The Kardashians???? Talk about shark-jumping. I’m a huge “Modern Family” fan and love Cameron, Mitchell, and Lily, but I don’t think they reach the level of previous “most fascinating” subjects like General Petraeus, Betty White, Sarah Palin, Lady Gaga, Barack and Michelle Obama, or Justin Bieber.
I might pick Jessica Chastain, who appeared in five of the year’s most significant films, including “The Help,” “Tree of Life,” and “Take Shelter” or Brad Pitt for his performances in “Tree of Life” and “Moneyball.” “The Help’s” Octavia Spencer and Viola Davis would definitely be on my list. I might pick the NBA and the owners as the most fascinating sports story of the year and would have a tough time picking between Republican candidates Newt Gingrich, John Huntsman, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain as possible “fascinating” choices. Elizabeth Warren would be high on my list as well. Who do you think deserves this year’s “most fascinating” selection?