Google Helps You Find Iconic Movie Locations — Re-enacting Is Up To You!

Posted on February 9, 2020 at 8:52 am

I live near some of the most iconic locations in the movies (though of course many movie versions of the White House and monuments are re-created in Hollywood). Tourists love to visit the Exorcist steps.

And they there’s this scene at the Lincoln Memorial in “Forrest Gump.”

Harry Medved has a great book about movie locations in Southern California. What movie locations have you visited?

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Understanding Media and Pop Culture

The Next Star Wars Films: Locations

Posted on August 29, 2013 at 8:00 am

Director J.J. Abrams is getting ready to begin filming of the next cycle of “Star Wars” movies.  And every studio and location in the world — literally — wants to host them.  Variety quotes Albuquerque Studios president Gary Arnold:

“Every location and facility across the globe and every state in the U.S. must be offering the moon and stars,” Arnold says. “And they’re all willing to offer things on a one-shot basis, everything they can imagine the producers might want, just to be able to say they got the new ‘Star Wars’ shoot. That din is probably the first challenge facing any location or facility that wants to be seriously considered.”

Says Arnold: “The irony of ‘Star Wars’ is there won’t be a single location that is identifiable. We had one of the biggest-grossing films in history, ‘The Avengers’ shoot here, but ‘Breaking Bad’ has more impact on tourism than anything we’ve ever done in New Mexico. Identifiable locales are what drives tourism.”

According to Variety, they will be shooting at the legendary Pinewood Studios in London.  The original “Star Wars” script for what is now chapter IV was set in a jungle environment, but that was switched to desert for budgetary reasons.  I wonder what factors will enter into the decision about the settings for this one, especially now that so much can be done digitally.

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Behind the Scenes

Does This Place Look Familiar?

Posted on January 10, 2013 at 8:00 am

Cracked has a marvelously entertaining compilation of six very popular locations that have appeared in a wild variety of films.  Look at the cafe that appears in “Seinfeld” AND “Training Day” to the grand home that is a setting for “Batman” AND “Tomb Raider” and the Vasquez Rocks formation that shows up in so many sci-fi movies that it even pops up in “Futurama,” and see how many of these you recognize.

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Film Locations Scouted by FILMography

Posted on October 2, 2012 at 8:00 am

I’m quite taken with a Tumblr called FILMography.  @moloknee seeks out movie locations and takes a picture that matches up with the scene in the movie.  You can search by title, location, actor, or year.  Try Times Square or Central Park.

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