New Music from Raffi: Owl Singalong
Posted on February 3, 2016 at 3:53 pm
Owl Singalong, Raffi’s latest album (now available on CD and digital download) is one of his best. The title song is inspired by the owls that call to each other in his back yard, what he calls “the charming hooo hoo.” You can hear them for yourself at the beginning and end of the song. He’s adapted some classics, too. Now it’s the Dog on the Bus, and the Lion Pokey. I especially loved his version of the classic folk song “Abiyoyo.”
I have a copy to give away! Send me an email at with Raffi in the subject line and tell me your favorite children’s song. Don’t forget your address! (US addresses only) I’ll pick a winner at random on February 12, 2016. Good luck!