How Did They Do That Quicksilver Scene in “X-Men: Days of Future Past?”

Posted on May 31, 2014 at 3:59 pm

The most mind-blowing scene in the blockbuster “X-Men: Days of Future Past” is when the Quicksilver character played by Evan Peters stops time and rearranges everything from the trajectories of bullets seemingly suspended in air to the positions of the soldiers’ arms and legs.  CinemaBlend explains how it was done.

By speeding up the frame rate on everything but Evan Peters, you could then film the actor at regular speed, and when combined together, it would make Quicksilver appear as if he’s moving 150-times faster than everything and everyone around him. This allows Singer to let Peters manipulate his surroundings – moving a bullet or shifting a security guard’s arm – without disrupting the scene.

Be sure to check out the full description.  That’s why they call it movie magic.

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