A Terminator Costume for Little Kids?

Posted on May 21, 2009 at 8:00 am

Cinematical reports that Toys R Us is selling a Terminator costume for little kids who, of course, are too young to see the movie, which is rated PG-13 and is just a millimeter away from an R. I understand that costumes are supposed to be scary and that children benefit from the opportunity to access the power of the images they find disturbing. But like the fast food toys for movies that children are too young to see, I think it is inappropriate to use products directed at younger children to promote a movie that is made for an older audience. Those who would like to send feedback to Toys R Us about this item can do so here.

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Marketing to Kids Parenting
Terminator Quiz

Terminator Quiz

Posted on May 19, 2009 at 3:59 pm

In honor of this week’s release of “Terminator Salvation,” here’s a quiz about the earlier versions.
1. What is the name of the corporation that created the machines that are trying to kill all the humans?
2. What is the name given to the day when the machines took over?
3. In the first movie, what do the women killed by the title character have in common?
4. What is the change that led the computer to view humans as a threat?
5. What legendary science fiction writer is given credit for inspiring the series?
6. Who played the scientist who created the microprocessor that makes the Terminators possible?
7. What name does the Terminator use to ask about the foster family’s dog?terminator_two_judgement_day.jpg
8. What does the young John Connor teach the Terminator to say?
9. Why do John and Kate go to Crystal Peak in “Terminator 3?”
10. What is the significance of the name of the Terminator in the television series, “The Sarah Connor Chronicles?”

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