Fangirl Delight: ‘Green Lantern’ and ‘Cowboys and Aliens’
Posted on November 26, 2010 at 8:06 am
Coming next summer and I am SO THERE!
Posted on November 26, 2010 at 8:06 am
Coming next summer and I am SO THERE!
Posted on June 23, 2010 at 2:51 pm
Seth Rogan and Jay Chou star in next January’s release, “The Green Hornet.”
Not excited yet? Well, wait for this — it also includes Cameron Diaz and Tom Wilkenson (“Michael Clayton”) and as the bad guy, this year’s Oscar winner Christoph Waltz of “Inglourious Basterds.” And here’s the part that gets my heart doing flip-flops — it is directed by Michel Gondry of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and “Be Kind Rewind.” Hmmm, I hope the DVD includes a sweded version.