National Screen Free Week

Posted on April 20, 2010 at 3:41 pm

It isn’t TV Turn Off week any more. It’s now National Screen Free Week. As Aria Wallace discovered, turning off all of our devices can be difficult, but it can open us up to truer, deeper, more nuanced and more aware connections with our friends and family. has some great materials for families who want to try to unplug for the week. I also recommend the Center for Screen Time Awareness.
Give it a try. No television, no DVDs, no computer except for homework, for just one week. And Mom and Dad, no Blackberries or smartphones while with the family. Go to the library and bring home some great books and go into your closet to bring out some board games. You might discover that you like it, and keep no-screen days every week or every month.

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Elementary School Parenting Tweens
Aria Wallace Unplugged

Aria Wallace Unplugged

Posted on November 20, 2009 at 3:59 pm

Actress Aria Wallace of Roxy Hunter answered my questions about her “real time” experiment — 40 days without technology! This is a great idea to try with your family — no cell phones, computers, or television — listen to Aria talk about how slowing down, looking, listening, and even playing Clue was more fun and made her feel more connected to people. I love what she said about how much better it is to hear people laugh than to read “LOL.”

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