The “Extraordinary” Rion Paige on X Factor

Posted on September 13, 2013 at 9:09 am

Watch 13-year-old Rion Paige knock the socks off the X Factor judges.  The Florida girl has joint problems in her hands and partial blindness in one eye from arthrogryposis multiplex congenita.  She also has a powerful voice and a powerful spirit — and a mother who says that it is time for Rion to try her wings, and that she will be there to catch her if she falls.  For her audition, she sings the Carrie Underwood song, “Blown Away,” and that’s just what the judges are as they listen.

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Music Television

Danyl Johnson Gets By With a Little Help From His Friends

Posted on August 30, 2009 at 8:00 am

Please watch this X Factor clip of Danyl Johnson singing “I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends” in what the notoriously critical Simon Cowell calls the best first audition he has seen since the show began. Johnson, a 27-year-old teacher, takes a song that already has been unforgettably performed by the Beatles and Joe Cocker and makes it his own with a dazzling, supremely confident performance with indefinable but unmistakable star quality. You will want to be a part of this talented singer’s career from the beginning. He will be getting by with the help of a lot of new friends.

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Music Television
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