Oprah’s OWN Is Here!

Posted on January 1, 2011 at 3:53 pm

An hour a day just is not enough for all that Oprah wants to share with us. Starting today, Oprah takes over the old Discovery Health Channel, now known as OWN — the Oprah Winfrey Network. Some of the programs she has in store for us are very intriguing, especially Miracle Detectives, with a scientist and a believer traveling in search of mysteries and possibly miracles; Master Class, in-depth, intimate conversations with some of the world’s most intriguing, inspiring, and influential people; Kidnapped by the Kids, with workaholic parents captured by their children who feel neglected; Searching For, stories of a woman who helps people track down lost loved ones, and the American Idol-style Your Own Show, selecting a television host from an engaging group of candidates. I’m already rooting for Zach!

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