The Real Story: Michael Oher of ‘The Blind Side’

Posted on November 19, 2009 at 3:59 pm

This week’s release, “The Blind Side,” is the story of Michael Oher, played by Quinton Aaron. Here is a glimpse of the real Oher, now an offensive lineman for the Baltimore Ravens. What I find most touching is when he says that he became a part of the family when he realized he was needed.

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21 Replies to “The Real Story: Michael Oher of ‘The Blind Side’”

  1. We did some online research just before we went to see The Blindside movie. We just got back from it and I will tell you…WE LOVED this movie! I cried. I laughed and we couldn’t stop talking about it after the show. Some were going to see it again and bring someone new. I now know why there is some Oscar buzz about Sandra Bullock in this movie. She was outstanding. It is wonderful to know that there are families like the Tuohys still in this old world! Michael did a Herculean effort to not only become the Baltimore Raven’s top pick but also to graduate from college especially with the bad academic start he had through the first 16 years of his life! Congrats to Michael Oher for beating the odds and becoming a success! I will be getting the book “The Blind Side: Evolution of the Game” for my husband for Christmas.

  2. Karen, thank you so much for writing! I love to hear this feedback on the film and I am really happy that even with the juggernaut of “New Moon,” it did so well. I think you will enjoy the book; Michael Lewis is one of my favorite authors. Thanks again!

  3. I agree with you Karen, I saw the movie last night and I was very impressed. I have spread the word about how good it is and how much I believe that others would enjoy it too. I do have to be honest and say that I am not a Sandra Bullock fan. As a matter of fact, some may call me a Sandra Bullock hater, b/c I’ve always thought she was overrated. I believed that after her break-out roll in “Speed,” Hollywood gave her more credit than she deserved. I didn’t like anything she acted in. When I saw her in “Crash,” I still wasn’t moved, but “The Blind Side” has given me a newly found respect for Ms. Bullock. She was excellent and when I saw and heard the real Ms. Tuohy speak, I’m more than convinced that she should get an Oscar nod. But in addition to her, I also have to give do credit to Quinton Aaron as Michael Oher, what a performance. I felt every emotion he portrayed. I cried and I laughed and I felt that he was Michael. That he went through those years of having a mother on crack. That he went through the many foster homes, lived on the street and had personally experienced all of those things that Michael lived through. It’s was incredible his ability to exude those emotion on screen. Lastly, I want to say thanks to the Tuohy family, we all need to all have a piece of that “Special” that you have. And thanks to Michael Lewis for telling this story.

  4. I am a twilight fan to the max…but when i saw the previews to blindside i knew i had to see this the same day it came out. Sad to say, but i did pick new moon over blindside because i’ve been waiting for the release since the first part came out. So after i was satisfied with new moon i then went to go see blindside later that evening because i couldnt miss out on a great story that i remember hearing about while watching the 09 draft. I remember when he got drafted and they called out his name and his family came up to congratulate him, i was shocked and amazed and found his situation interesting. As i googled his name and read about his life, i was very inspired. After watching it with a couple of friends, i then took my uncle and went to go watch it for a second time. i love this movie but beyond that this story is life touching.

  5. Love this story went to see it with my husband didnt know anything about it, the first thing i said was “cant believe you brought me to see a football movie” his respond ” i bet you’ll be crying” Omg god did i cry could’nt believe how much this boy has been through. Loved Sandra Bullocks roll in this movie. Great job i’ve been talking about this movie to everyone i speak too incouraging them to see as well. Love it so much im almost sure i will be a Michael Oher #1 Fan.

  6. Thanks for a wonderful comment! I am thrilled you enjoyed this wonderful movie, which is turning into a real word-of-mouth box office winner. Comments like yours are what will help bring this movie the audience it deserves.

  7. Though the film “The Blind Side” is not titled as a christian theme, in it you will see many christian values by means of action, where
    the powerful trait of love and acceptance is seen and expressed by
    this adoptive family, illustrating how God in his great mercy wants us to form part of his family, where he can give us tender and supportive care, love and understanding. I really enjoyed this film and plan to watch it many times over.

  8. Thank you Jose, and of course those themes are central to all of the world’s great religions. I do like the way the movie portrays the role of Christianity in the family’s value system and think that is part of what makes the movie so inspirational.

  9. It Really Caught My Attention, I my Self Have a Son Thats Very Smart And Very Good in Sports, And it is a contant Fight to Keep Him Focus And Protect Him From all of The Things That I See Happing To Other Young Men. Its Not About Color Any More But The Love We Share For One another. And That Is The Greatest LOVE OF ALL.

  10. I too was touched by this film, but I grew up an atheist and still am.
    Fortunately, I was always taught by my parents to respect others no matter what color or where they came from, it’s just how we lived.
    Although the basic premise of the film is Christian, and its values, not all Christians cherish those values highly enough or the world would be a lot better off. This goes for the values of all basic religions. You don’t have to be religious to have a good value system, it’s with reach of all of us.
    Every once in a while there comes a film which makes most people sit up and take a look at their values, this is one of them!

  11. Thank you, jugula! Wherever our values come from, a film like this can be a powerful reminder, and that is what stories are for. I appreciate your thoughtful comment.

  12. I just saw the movie and I too thought the movie was interesting from the perspective that a young man with enormous talent would rise from the ashes of the ghetto and horrible family background to be a valuable professional football asset. To see a family adopt him “as is” was the most wonderful part of the story. The movie itself, I think, was a poor product; acting was so so, dialogue was so so and to think a nomination of best actress for Ms. Bullock, is ridiculous. I guess the movies in 2009 were extremely poor for this to happen.

  13. I loved it. Seen it on the big screen, own it and watched it 11 times in 2 weeks. Great story.

  14. I think this movie should be seen as an inspiration to all. The story is uplifting and heart warming. Values and morals are available to all but there are so many who do not teach them to their children anymore. I agree that the world would be a much better place if all Christians would fulfill their Christian duties. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. I love this movie and have shown it to my students in hopes that it will inspire them to help look for their own opportunities to help others.

  15. i liked the movie i just got done watching it cooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I thought this was one of the best movies i have ever seen..I say hats off to this family…Giving so much to someone and not doing it for anything in return…The family clearly was a wealthy family and what a wonderful display of how to give back and change somebody’s life forever…Michael actually got a chance in life that not many people can say they ever got…You could actually feel the love they all had for one another…I also think that Michael showed his appreciation so much…He did not take advantage of this family and clearly could have…He got a wonderful opportunity to change his life and he ran with it, literally. He worked hard and proved himself…What a wonderful family…Loved It!!!!

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