Tomorrowland Contest: The Museum of Science Fiction Wants Your Ideas About Tomorrow
Posted on May 1, 2015 at 5:29 pm

The Museum of Science Fiction today announced the launch of an online contest to celebrate the opening of Disney’s new film “Tomorrowland.” Fans can submit their vision of tomorrow for a chance to win a prize pack including promotional items and tickets to the film.
The Vision of Tomorrow Contest invites fans ages 13 and up to create a display that reveals their predicted landscape of the future. Using any materials, entrants will create and photograph their design for submission via email. Visions can be built from, but are not limited to, drawings, blocks, paper clips, 3D printing – whatever captures the builder’s imagination. As in the world of Tomorrowland, the sky is the limit.
The contest runs May 1 – May 18, 2015. Two winners will be selected by the judging committee based on the qualities of: originality, detail, scope of vision and overall creativity. Another 25 entries will be selected for showcase on The Museum of Science Fiction Facebook page, where fans can vote for one “People’s Choice” Award. Three total winners from the two categories will each receive a prize pack including promotional items from “Tomorrowland” and a $50 gift card for a theater chain in their area to see the movie.
Entries must consist of no more than four photos of the creation, showcasing different angles, and each photo must be 1MB or smaller in size. They may be submitted to and include the creator’s full name, address and date of birth. Complete rules of this contest are available at