What Do You Think About Spoilers?

Posted on April 9, 2013 at 8:00 am

Do you remember a movie that really surprised you?

Do you remember having a big movie surprise spoiled for you?  Did that make the movie less powerful?

Jennifer Richler has an excellent story in The Atlantic about spoilers and why they matter to us.  She points out that there are movies like “Argo” (and “Apollo 13” and “Lincoln”) where we know what is going to happen but still feel the tension.  And plenty of movies are so good that we will watch them over and over again, even if we already know that — spoiler alert — Darth Vader is Luke’s father.  But spoilers take the magic of anticipation away from us.  Film School Rejects wrote an equally fine piece about spoilers, inspired by Richler’s article.  Most important conclusion from both — in the world of social media, they are almost impossible to avoid.  Not to mention these.


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