What Movies Do You Watch Over and Over?

Posted on March 6, 2015 at 3:32 pm

A couple of weeks ago, “The Best Years of Our Lives” was on TCM and I decided to watch the first few moments to enjoy again scenes I have enjoyed many, many times. I promised myself I would go to bed after half an hour but found myself once again watching all the way to the end. There are lots of movies I seem unable to not watch, even if I’ve seen them a hundred times and even if I own the dang thing and can watch it any time I want. So I especially enjoyed this discussion by two of my favorite critics, Matt Zoller Seitz and Dana Stevens, talking to Professor Cristel Russell about the movies they can’t resist watching over and over.

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4 Replies to “What Movies Do You Watch Over and Over?”

  1. If Shawshank Redemption comes on, I’m hooked until the end. Sometimes at 2 in the morning if I bump into it, I know it’s impossible to just watch one segment. Sleep is not an option. Other contenders are Blade Runner, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf and any Wes Anderson film (looking at you Tenenbaums and Bottlerocket).

    1. Excellent choices. I remember once when I was late to an appointment and could not drag myself away from Shawshank, which I have seen countless times!

  2. Planes, Trains and Automobiles does it for me. Thank goodness that one is seasonal.

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