Interview: Joshua Oppenheimer of “The Act of Killing”

Posted on March 1, 2014 at 8:00 am

If I were voting, “The Act of Killing” would not only win the Best Documentary Oscar, it would be a contender for Best Picture as well.  Director Joshua Oppenheimer broke through barriers from the secrecy and denial of government-sanctioned gangster killings of more than a million Indonesians in the mid-1960’s to the disaster-fatigue of audiences to tell a riveting story by letting the murders, still living in the community as respected citizens, tell it themselves.  The details that have been repressed individually and institutionally for decades are revealed as the men who killed choose iconic movie genres to re-enact their crimes.  A musical, a western, a gangster movie — these re-enactments allow both the gangsters and their communities to acknowledge the horrors of the genocide for the first time.  The full unabridged version of the film, with scenes not included in the US theatrical release, is now available on iTunes and Amazon.

I spoke to Oppenheimer about the impact that the film has had on Indonesia and the world community and about his biggest regret in making it.joshua-oppenheimer

I’m familiar with the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa, which sought to provide healing and a sense of justice by documenting the atrocities of apartheid, and it occurred to me that your film is the closest equivalent that Indonesia’s going to get.

You’re right in a sense that before the film came along, there was no chance that the government would implement a truth and reconciliation process.  The president of Indonesia from 1999 to 2000, Abdurrahman Wahid also known as Gus Dur proposed a truth and reconciliation process and apology for what happened in 1965 and he was immediately removed from power as a result.  But it is also my hope that the film has now opened a space where ordinary Indonesians are saying, “This is wrong” where the media is saying, “This is wrong and we have to talk about this not only to right a major historical wrong, not only for the sake of healing but also so that we can beat corruption, fear, and gangsterism that prevent Indonesia from acknowledging what happened.  It’s led the Indonesian media to finally address what had been a 50 years silence about the genocide and talk about the genocide as a genocide and connect the moral catastrophe of the genocide with a moral catastrophe of the regime that the killers have built and presided over ever since.  And it’s emboldened ordinary Indonesians to finally talk about the most painful aspect of Indonesian history and the present for the first time without fear.  It particularly has led Indonesians to say that “We want this country to be the democracy that we would like and that claims to be. We need to address not just the crimes of the past but also how they have terrorized all of us into not holding our leaders into account for corruption and gangsterism in the present.”  So it’s lead to this national discussion which I’m optimistic will eventually be the truth and reconciliation process in Indonesia.

act of killing posterAs you spoke to these admitted killers who seem to feel no regret, did you conclude that they had to be sociopaths before they killed the first person?  Or were they made sociopathic or numb through just the incredible level of atrocity they perpetrated?

Hannah Arendt famously said in her writings in the banality of evil that the killer is an ordinary person.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that every ordinary person is a potential killer. But those of us who haven’t killed are extremely fortunate not to have to find out.  My belief is that there is a moral paradigm that underpins most of the stories we tell, particularly in movies where we divide the world into good guys and bad guys.  According to that paradigm, we tend to believe that because the killer has done something monstrous, the killers are monsters.  And in that sense, we imagine that we’re somehow different from them.   What’s clear is that the killers are human and if we want to have any chance of understanding how human beings do this and then the consequences of their actions, how they tell stories to justify their actions, we have to start from the premise that they’re human and that killing changes them.  So I think that certainly the numbness comes from having killed.   And then because the killers are human, consequently they have to tell themselves stories to justify their actions so that they can live with themselves afterwards.  And then horribly, they impose those stories in the form of victorious history glorifying what they’ve done on their whole society.  Ironically, that of course leads to a downward spiral into further evil and corruption.  If Anwar was to refuse the second time, it’s equivalent to admitting it was wrong the first time.

So further evil is perpetrated not necessarily because the men are monsters but because they’re human and they know what they’ve done is wrong and they don’t have the courage to face that.   So denial has a terrible, terrible cost.

There are so many chilling moments in the movie but, for me, one of the most is the talk show where you see the host speak so cheerfully about the killings.  Denial is so pervasive throughout the entire culture.

I want to also point out that the talk show is as shocking to Indonesians as it is to outsiders.  I think that when Indonesian State Television discovered that the governor of the province or the publisher of the leading newspaper in the province or the head of the paramilitary movement the minister of youth and sport, Anwar who’s famous in North Sumatra — that all of these people were making film scenes, quite ambitious scenes dramatizing what they’ve done, they started to think perhaps we’ve been too tolerant about the killings.  You see the history that talks about the extermination of the communists in general terms as something heroic without ever going into the details of the killings. When the producers at state television saw that they were going into the details of the killings rather than say, “Oh, wait a moment, maybe these  executioners are getting a little carried away and this could make Indonesia look bad,” they thought instead, “maybe we have been too cautious in our representation of what happened and this is a great story, this is a big story, these are the most powerful people in this part of Indonesia, let’s make a talk show about what they’re doing.”  And it sounds more like the individual perpetrators more than it sounds like the mouthpiece of the state which is what State Television is.  And it’s shocking for ordinary Indonesians.  That talk show is an unmasking of the regime by precisely the institution that until now had served to mask the regime.  I guess one other interesting thing is that among the only people in the film who seem to see that the true meaning of what these killers did or the people in the control room while they produced that talk show who start commenting and whispering and saying, “How many people must be haunted?  How do they sleep at night?  They’re greedy.  They’ve been stealing all their lives.  They must have gone crazy from doing this.”  But we have to remember that even if those other people with the same moral perspective that we have, they are also the people who are actually producing that monstrous show.

Another really affecting moment for me was the guy who was smiling when he told the story about how his stepfather was killed. And then, when asked to portray the part of the victim himself, that was not acting, right?  He really was sobbing, wasn’t he?

I think it’s real emotion coming out for sure.  I mean he’s being exactly what he said he wanted to do.  He says that they should stage this story, everybody feeling uncomfortable that suddenly, there’s a survivor in their midst rejects the idea saying it’s too complicated, it would take too long and he responds by saying, “Well we can at least use this story to motivate our acting.”  And that’s what he goes on to do.act of killing

And it’s of course real trauma because it’s his real story but that scene is the one thing of the film that sometimes I really regret.  It’s an error.  It’s an error of omission, not commission but it’s an error.  When we were shooting in the studio which was where he tells that story, we would shoot with two or three units shooting simultaneously because there were many things happening at once.  He doesn’t speak Indonesians, my cinematographer.  He didn’t understand the story and I didn’t hear the story until six months after the shoot.  When I did hear it, I was mortified because if I heard it, I definitely would have pulled him out.  There a principle that there should be no survivors or victims in the film at all, all of the people in the reenactment of the attack on the village, all of the extras are immediate family members of the perpetrators and the paramilitary leaders.  So when I heard this story, I thought, “Oh no.  I would have pulled him out.  I would have taken him aside and said, “Look, you should be behind the camera for the rest of the day and tomorrow.” But when I put the film together, I could see that he had this sort of very painful journey and strange journey through the film because it keeps cropping up during the talk show, he’s acting in the village massacre scene and I wanted to make sure I really understood what was happening there.  Why was he there?  How did he feel about it?  So even though it made me feel guilty, in a way, I called him and his wife answered the phone and said that he’d died 6 months before from complications of untreated diabetes.

I asked her why he was in the film, did he ever talk about it, she said he talked about quite a lot.  He thought that it was the one chance in his life he would have to express the horror of what he’d been through, and somehow felt that even though we were making the film with the perpetrators, this would be the right place to do it.  In a sense, he correctly interpreted what we were doing and sort of infiltrated the film, I was making this film in collaboration with survivors in the Human Rights Community and in constant dialogue with them and much of my Indonesian crew comes from that community.  In a way, that film was an infiltration into the perpetrator’s world.  He kind of infiltrated that.  And in that sense, he wanted to be there.  He went on a mission.  He made the film much more powerful for his presence and if I had pulled him out, he would have failed.

But if I could do it all over again knowing what I know, I would have pulled him out.  I would have pulled him out again.  When you spend so many years looking at what killing means and torture means, the last thing you want to do is somehow be complicit with its currents.

There’s a brief shot where sort of over in the corner, the television’s on with President Obama talking.  Tell me a little bit about what you think that moment means in the film.

Yeah, because Obama grew up partly in Indonesia, Indonesians love Obama and see Obama as the kind of Indonesian in the White House.  There’s a big hit movie called “Young Obama.”  Obama left Indonesia in fact so he says in his book, Dreams from My Father, because his mother was told that the place was haunted and becoming increasingly corrupt because of this recent trauma that has happened.  Genocide was casting a shadow and I put it in the film for the same reason that a lot of the American sort of references are in the film.  The United States supported, participated in, and then ultimately ignored these genocides.

I would have loved to be able to go into the history of that but so much is unknown.  The United States is also not come to terms with this past.  All of the CIA job files from that period remain, covert operations in Indonesia, have been classified.  The documents that have been released were then immediately reclassified.  Luckily, they were made available by National Security Archives in Washington University but they’re heavily redacted, covered with black magic marker.  The US should declassify everything about this.

We want to say that Indonesia ought to apologize, issue a formal apology for what happened and implement a process of justice.  The US needs to set an example and take leadership I think.  We were a part of this.  Fifty years is enough time to get comfortable with what we did.  It’s too long to not call it genocide.  It’s genocide and it’s time that we all accept what happened and our collective role in supporting and participating in those times.  And when I found out that Hammond was watching Obama’s inauguration address as a kind of a victory speech to practice for his own speeches, I immediately felt that it implicates all of us.  And Hammond says his reason to go into politics is to intimidate people and to steal.  And the fact that he’s inspired by Obama somehow evokes the sense that some of it is the unintended or the intended consequences of US policy.

How does the experience of re-enacting these crimes within the context of different film genres make you feel about narrative films?  Does it make you change your idea about how influential they were or about a certain moral quandary of making narrative films?

I think that this is a film about how we tell stories to justify our actions to escape from our most bitter and painful truth, and it’s a film about how we lie to ourselves and it’s a film about those consequences for those lies.  These characters used cinema at that time to distance themselves from the act of killing, coming out of the cinema inspired by whatever movie he’s just seen, waltzing across the street, dancing across the street, he could be intoxicated by his love of the film especially for example, and killing happily.

Cinema is a means of escape.  And this is a film about escapism and the importance also of confronting the most painful truth about who we are and equally in this film, that there’s also I think actually a demonstration of how cinema can equally be a mirror in which we actually look at the most painful aspect of who we are.  Cinema becomes the vehicle with Anwar and all of Indonesia now are looking at the most painful aspect of what it means to be who they are.  I think the film is kind of a manifesto almost of how art ought to be a means by which we invite to do or force our viewers to confront really the most important, painful, mysterious, troubling aspect of what it means to be human.


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Directors Documentary Interview

Tribute: Harold Ramis

Posted on February 24, 2014 at 1:45 pm

ramis ghostbustersToday we mourn the loss of writer/actor/director Harold Ramis, who died at age 69.  Ramis began by writing and editing at Playboy Magazine, then based in Chicago. In 1969, he joined the famous improvisational sketch comedy group, Second City, and then moved to New York to help write and perform in “The National Lampoon Show” with other Second City graduates including John Belushi, Gilda Radner, and Bill Murray.


He became head writer and a regular performer on the top Canadian comedy series SCTV, and first went to Hollywood to work on National Lampoon’s Animal House, a transformational film that pioneered a new generation of comedy writers and performers. Ramis then wrote, directed, and/or appeared in comedy classics including Meatballs, Stripes, and Ghostbusters. He was working on a reboot of “Ghostbusters” as he was recovering from the effects of a rare autoimmune disease.  A relapse in 2011 was too severe to overcome.

Ramis was a devoted Chicagoan and the city was proud of his loyalty and grateful for the productions he brought there.  The Chicago Tribune quoted him:

“There’s a pride in what I do that other people share because I’m local, which in L.A. is meaningless; no one’s local,” Ramis said upon the launch of the first movie he directed after his move, the 1999 mobster-in-therapy comedy “Analyze This,” another hit. “It’s a good thing. I feel like I represent the city in a certain way.”

I believe his best movie was Groundhog Day, starring his friend and “Stripes” co-star, Bill Murray. Here he talks about its deeper meaning.

But when I think of Ramis, I will always remember the role I think was the most true to his real character, the kind-hearted, slightly shy doctor in “As Good as It Gets.”  He will be missed.

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Actors Directors Tribute

Interview: Patrick Creadon of “If You Build It”

Posted on February 23, 2014 at 8:00 am

Patrick Creadon is the director of the new documentary “If You Build It,” the story of an idealistic young couple who movie to a depressed North Carolina community to teach teenagers how to solve problems with design.  He talked to me about the town, the couple, Emily Pilloton and Matt Miller, and why this story was so meaningful to him.

What led you to this story?

When I was growing up, the television show “This Old House” was by far my favorite TV show.  I was the nerdiest kid on the block and I loved PBS. But I particularly loved that show and I loved seeing things getting torn down and rebuilt, or not torn down but redone, and fixed.  The fixing of things, and loving things, and taking care of things was incredibly inspiring to me.  I loved it.  I loved everything about it.  And truthfully, I also love the movie “The Breakfast Club” so for me, this was like a mash up.

I was around sort of filmmaking when I was a kid.  I did some acting, but I never considered it to be a life pursuit.  It was more like a hobby that we did as kids.  We have some really fun experience with doing it but I really, really love documentaries.  And being around filmmakers, I realized I could be a documentary filmmaker and that could be a thing.   I’ll do that.  And I worked for WTTW for about three years when I got out after college.

And I did that for three years.  I studied film at the American Film Institute here in LA.  I came out in one graduate school.  And for about 15 years, I was a freelance cameraman and I was shooting other people’s stuff, documentaries, and TV shows, and stuff.  And my wife and I made a documentary about the New York Times crossword puzzle called Wordplay. That was our first film and it was a wonderful experience. We did it because we love crossword puzzles and I literally was terrified the year we were making that film that somebody else was going to make one because I couldn’t believe that nobody has done a Will Shortz movie.  We made it in our spare bedroom.  We never thought it would get out there the way it did.  And it gave us a lot of freedom.  I mean not financially believe me. Documentary is challenging but people could see that we could do offbeat stories well and so the next movie was I.O.U.S.A., which is a non partisan look at the national debt.

And then along came this story and for a reason I already mentioned, it resonated with me.  I loved design, I love fixing things, I love a high school story. We thought that there could be some really great characters that we would meet and kind of a culture clash between Emily and Matt and the students. The bottom line is Christina and I have three young daughters who are in public schools in LA.  It felt like there were a lot of compelling reasons to make this movie so even though it was a story that took place in a small town that we have never even heard of, it felt incredibly personal to. 

This is the story of a small group in a small town but there are some important big issues and lessons with broad applicability, too.

I think it takes a little time for people to understand what’s in it for them like what is in this movie for me.  And what we’ve learned over the last three-and-a-half years since we started is that, I know this sounds lame, but there is something in this film for everyone.  I really firmly believe that.  So whether you’re a parent, or a student, or a retiree, or a young person looking for their first career, or someone who’s midcareer and they have some community projects that are thrown in their side and they can’t figure it out how to fix it like I think what I’m trying to say is I think that our country is in a like a reboot moment like we’re rebooting a lot of things.  We really are rethinking the way we’ve done things and the way we should be doing things.  And the challenge there is that that’s a very scary moment, but it’s also a very exciting moment.  And as people are thinking about rebooting things in their lives, it’s a good time for some designed thinking.  And it’s a third time to really think about problems from a fresh perspective and I think that that’s what designers do.  I really believe in that.

One of the things I wrote in my notes was this movie answers the age old question of “When am I ever need calculus?”

It’s hard to get truly inspired when you’re taking PE Online.  That’s just not going to inspire a kid.

Why was it important to include the earlier story about Matt’s failed effort to donate a house that he built in Detroit?

Well I think it’s really fascinating and it’s a little heartbreaking when you see the story about what happened. Honestly, our biggest fear with this film from the beginning was, “Oh no!  We’re making a Kumbaya movie.” Where everyone’s going to sit around the campfire and sing a song and there will be nice people doing nice things.  And that might be a little lame frankly.  And from the very first day, we realized how hard it was to do the kind of work that Matt and Emily were doing.  I mean our very first trip was when the school superintendent was forced to resign, that was shortly after we got to town. We went to North Carolina about one week every month for a year.  On one of our trips, Matt was looking like his dog has died or something and I said, “What’s wrong, Matt?”  He had just gone back to Detroit and saw the condition the house was in. But the thing is I’ve met so many folks in the non-profit space we’ve all got our Detroit story, everyone of us has a story like that. And it’s talking about rebooting, really rethinking charity. Never give a guy a fish but teach him to fish. So the thing about Matt and Emily and the thing about our film is, they haven’t really reinvented any wheels here.  The one thing they did that’s unusual and I think that is cutting edge is they took this curriculum into a high school.  And to my knowledge, this level of certification and this level of ambition is unique.  These kids were basically learning graduate level and college level skills.  So that is unique but project-based learning, new charity models, community redevelopment, new educational experiments, I don’t think Matt and Emily had a monopoly or anything of those things or they aren’t the creator of either of any of those sorts of things.  They’re certainly not the creator of this idea of design thinking. What they did though, they took a risk.  They took ten kids for a year and spent three hours a day with them and taught them something that most people thought was way above them, way above their heads and the kids are not going to be able to keep up. And the kids loved it.  You saw it.  You kids loved it.

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Directors Documentary Interview

Interview: Writer-Director Anthony Joseph Giunta of “Contest”

Posted on January 21, 2014 at 3:59 pm

I really enjoyed writer-director Anthony Joseph Giunta’s first film, “Contest,” a smart, funny, thoughtful story about high school bullying — and a televised cooking competition.  It was a pleasure to talk to him about making the film.

CONTEST_KA_R5.inddHow did this project come about?

Basically it was the end of 2010 and I had read a string of articles during a 1-week period about different kids throughout the country committing suicide as a result of teen bullying.  By the third day when I had read about the third different kid this had happened to it really got to me.  I was a bullied kid back in grade school and high school but that was before the Internet and that was before texting and I had the luxury of being able to come home at the end of the day and close the door and not have to deal with it until I got back to school the next day.  What got me was how pervasive it had grown so there are many kids who just cannot get out from under it.  They have to deal with it 24/7 between social network sites, texting and all of that.  So that is where I felt like I had to do something and that is what I decided to do.  I was in a totally different career.  I was an HR executive with a cultural institution in Manhattan and I basically spent every hour that I was not working for a month doing the first draft of this script and it was like a passion lit a fire in me.  I could not stop and about half way through I just said, “What am I going to do with this? This is not something I just want to sell to a producer or a studio.  This is a movie I want to make,” and I just kept going.  To make a long story short within a couple of months I gave 6 months’ notice to my job as leaving to go make a movie. I didn’t know how yet but I was going to get this movie made.

What would you say is the biggest misunderstanding about bullies?

I think what people don’t get is that a lot of times the kid who is doing the bullying has some kind of pressure on them themselves that also resembles bullying from somewhere whether it is a family member or some authority figure.  There is something going on that is compelling them to target other people. And when they do target the people they are bullying, it is not only about that person. It is to send a message like a social status message to everyone else around like “look I have some power here and if you cross me. see what I’m doing to him, that could be you.”  It is kind of the unspoken thing but it really stems from a place of feeling a lack of control somewhere and you know a lot of times when you look back kids who are the bullies are being bullied somewhere along the line.

As someone who is experienced with HR do you see that this kind of thing plays out in the workplace as well as in schools?

Absolutely.  When I got out of school and went into the working world I thought “okay that part of my life is behind me.”  Not so much.  It definitely plays out into the working world and I actually I touch on it in one scene where the assistant principal is kind of stuck in the middle of a good old boys network between the principal and the head of the swim team and basically all the pressure is shifted to her but there is an already expected outcome.  That was kind of my nod to the way it can continue into the adult working world.

What should parents and school administrators do to help and manage to prevent bullying?  Do you feel the anti-bullying efforts that you are portraying in this school are effective in any way?

There are different schools that have different programs and I think there are probably some that are more effective than others.  I am pleased that one school system is going to use the film in their anti-bullying curriculum starting in the fall of 2014 and we are actually going to be working with them.  It will be used in schools throughout New Jersey and hopefully will continue into schools throughout the whole country.  I’m going to get some of the kids who worked on our film and some of their peers from TV, Broadway, movies etc. to help us out on this initiative and I think when kids see other kids that they hold up as role models it can be very helpful and effective on the kid level but the biggest thing you need to get with any program if you need to get the buy in and participation from not only school administration but from parents too.  It is really totally a collaborative thing.

It is interesting to me that the two main characters in the movie don’t have parents in their lives.  What was your thought about that?

For these particular guys there is that actual physical absence and for audience members who see it there may be qualities that are absent in some of the parent/child relationships that they see in front of them.  That helps me to draw on that without feeling like it is a specific one or two things about this particular parent with this particular child and that is really where that came from.

Why was it important to focus on changes in both the boys?  A lot of bullying material only focuses on the source of the bullying and not the victim.

I was a bullied kid but my journey was pretty much emotionally like what Tommy’s was.  My biggest goal was to live as self-sufficiently as I could without having to bring in other people.  That stuff does not always serve you well and I just thought if the story is going to be or come forth in a way that it really resonates with everyone you are going to have to show the humanity of everybody as opposed to demonizing one side and sanctifying another so it felt like a more natural type of thing.  When people read the script and gravitated towards that and loved that and said, “Oh my God it made it just so accessible and so relatable.” then I knew I had made the right choice.

What are some of the challenges working with the teenagers in the cast?

People said to me “It is going to be so difficult,” “It is going to be so hard,” and I was expecting exactly that and I had exactly the opposite.  It was one of the most wonderful experiences ever.  These are very, very professional kids, many of whom have been working for a very long time since they were little and every day was just more and more joyous.  I think one of the reasons it worked so well is my style is very much that we will talk things through.  We will talk through the motivation, the back story, all of those things and I love when one person’s idea sparks another person’s idea and that is what I got.  These are all really, really smart kids, and we talked about their characters, we talked about where they came from, what motivated them to do certain things etc.   It was just a completely joyous experience.


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Directors Interview Writers

Interview: Daniel Ferguson of “Jerusalem”

Posted on December 9, 2013 at 3:54 pm

jerusalem3DDaniel Ferguson told an audience that making his extraordinary 3D IMAX film about Jerusalem required four years and “thousands of cups of tea.”  It took four years.  But he was able to persuade Muslims, Christians, and Jews to allow him to film the most sacred places of the city.  He attended seders and Shabbat dinners, Easter celebrations, and Iftar dinners.  His goal was to challenge assumptions, and “overcome fatigue,” to show “the same spots with different narratives.”  While it was daunting to try to fit 5000 years of history into 45 minutes, he knew that “the best IMAX films are poems in honor of their subject.”

He talked to me about making the film, choosing the music, finding the three girls to represent the three religions of Jerusalem, and working with narrator Benedict Cumberbatch.

Let’s start with the music.

Michael Brook is the composer.  We did license some music, obviously, but I would say 85 percent of it is Michael’s.  And Michael has done all kinds of different films.  He had done music for “Into the Wild,” the Sean Penn film and “The Fighter,” “Heat,” “An Inconvenient Truth.”  He did the film about Palestinian Statehood, State 194.  He did “Perks of Being a Wallflower.”  He’s incredible.  Michael’s background is he worked with Real World, Peter Gabriel’s label, so he knows all kinds of musicians.  We worked with Michael on “Journey to Mecca,” and what’s great about Michael is he didn’t do a sort of typical era pastiche thing.  Obviously, we have some sort of typical belly dance tunes or whatever to kind of play to that and make it fun for kids but I think what’s great is that Michael was able to find a musical language that was actually culturally, religiously, and maybe even emotionally somewhat neutral.  Because the hard thing about music, frankly the hard thing about the film in general, but the music is the ultimate microcosm for this is Jerusalem is never one thing.

It’s a total leap off a cliff because the music could be too spot-on.  I think both Michael and I struggled with the music.  He’d send me a cue and I would say, “It’s gorgeous but for another movie.”  “It’s too exuberant,” you know?  I need something that has a bit more darkness in it, that has something that’s unsettled that sort of searching.  How do you compose for that?  It’s a totally abstract concept and yet we went back and forth.  We tried to have a unified theme as well, sort of a Jewish return theme.  The notes were very subtle and in fact, they were largely in the same key and all kinds of layers to work on a sort of subliminal level to convey the synchronicity between traditions.

Your narrator, Benedict Cumberbatch, is excellent.  He seems to be everywhere this year.  

We had a lot of narrators thrown at us and we needed someone who was sort of neutral in a way.  I didn’t really know his work that well.  I started to watch “Sherlock,” and I really got into it.  He’s young; he’s sort of up-and-coming so he was the first one we reached out to.  We thought of a woman’s voice, that was our first choice and, in fact, we had a woman in our initial trailer. But the reality was we had three girls and Dr. Jodi Magness and so everyone said, “You need a male counterweight to this.”  We heard Benedict sort of doing books on tape and we thought, “Wow!  This guy could do something understated, wouldn’t be bombastic about it, he’s an actor, and he’s a voice actor.  Because the images were so big.  Benedict was able to play the mystery and be respectful, and it’s like the kind of nuance when we do a line like Prophet Mohammad’s travel on a miraculous journey.  I mean you could do that line like he did a reading and said, “No, that sounded far too fairytale.  Let me do that again,” and he knew the nuance.  He would make little tweaks and changes.  He came totally prepared.  He had notes all over the script, he’d seen the cut so many times.  And he said, “Oh yes, this is where Farah comes in.  Let me do this.  How about a bridge like this?”  It was amazing.  He gave me at least four takes for every line.  They were all totally different.

It’s a little poignant in the end where the girls say “Maybe someday, we would meet.”

I think it’s very poignant. We filmed alternate endings just because as a filmmaker, you should have everything in your back pocket. We were worried about audiences would be very upset with that as an ending.  And I’ll be honest.  We actually let the shot play a little longer in the earlier cut and our test audiences absolutely hated it.  Do you know what it was?  It was the fact that they literally passed each other and the audience said, “Oh my God!  You took me through this whole time and you went and punched me in the stomach.” And it wasn’t my intent.  It was just that was for me was the reality.  It was the tragedy of the city that these girls have similar interests, they look the same.  They have the same food.  Yeah, that’s the point.  And so the casting was somewhat deliberate for that.  And yet there is no natural opportunity for them more so between the Arab Christian and the Arab Moslem because similar language and they would live a bit closer to one another but nonetheless, not as much as you would think.  I mean there are coexistence programs in Jerusalem that’s fantastic.  A lot of them funded from outside.

Have the girls seen the movie?

Only one girl has seen the movie.  The Moslem girl, Farah, saw it in Houston.  She’s studying in Dallas.  She’s studying Genetic Engineering.  It’s amazing because I meet her when she was 15.  And now she’s just turned 18.  And she’s so mature.  Anyhow, Farah loved the movie.  So I was so nervous.  She wrote me to say the ending is perfect because we filmed so many different versions of it like we had a scene where the girls talked and they had a conversation.  And it was thrilling, and interesting, and they would say things like “I thought you had to always wear that headscarf?”  “No.  No.  I only wear it when I go to the mall.”  “Oh really?” “And I thought you were not allowed to wear jeans.  Don’t all Jews have to be in black and white?”  “No!  Are you kidding?”  “Are you Orthodox?  What are you?”  It was really interesting.  “What kind of Christian are you?” “Well, it’s complicated.  My father’s Greek Orthodox, my mother’s Catholic.” It was like, “What? How does that..?”  So that was like another movie.   It could have gone on and on and on.

The problem is it took like two minutes and the whole film is not like a talkie movie so you had to find the same way to do that in a way it was more poetic, more cinematic, and frankly more poignant because the girls were good sports and they did everything that I asked but sometimes they would be uncomfortable.”  So I had to find like a neutral place where they can all be there and even then, we started filming early in the morning.  So it was really tricky, I think, especially in the old city because I think a lot of Israelis are sort of ambivalent about the old city.  They feel like it isn’t the safest place so they have to be careful.  They stick within a quarter and I was forcing them.  I’ve maintained such a careful line where I have not stepped in the political camp and I don’t feel comfortable to do that.  All I hope is that a film like this could just reframe the dialogues so that one could say, “I didn’t know your narrative before.”  And that was really it.  And that was my way of doing without getting into checkpoints, suicide bombing, and the heaviness of all that which the great films have been made about it but that isn’t the market for this.  I firmly believe that.

I’ve been in it but I don’t think I’ve seen it on film before.

No.  Western crews’ generally not allowed.  I mean look, they would say flat out, “How do we know this isn’t like some propaganda film?” And so we had done a film in Mecca which helped.  We were very honest about our mandate, who we were.  I was Canadian.  I’m not Israeli, I’m not Palestinian.  I don’t have any stakes other than my job is to entertain and educate National Geographic brand is tremendously helpful.  The IMAX brand is tremendously helpful.  We brought key stakeholders to Paris, to London to see other films we’ve done.  And I think the museum is a place like Smithsonian that carries so much weight for these kinds of permissions.  So people say, “Wow!  This is not just a television documentary or one of.  Let’s take a chance on this” so people really put their necks out like if this doesn’t work, I’m going to lose my job.  There was risk and heaviness.  People invite me to their families, their homes.  And these countless cups of tea would be over meals and it would just be like there’s no contract.  It’s just a handshake.  Don’t screw this up.

It was the same way with every community; Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi Jewish, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, I mean Evangelical, Sunni, Even Shia, I mean even if there’s no market, try and weave a line where you get what you’re looking for at a picture, so if you’re Christian, you get to walk in the footsteps of Jesus but then you get to learn something about another community that’s outside your comfort zone.

I think it was very wise to focus on the three girls because they’re young and they’re the future.

And each one of those girls is curious about the other.  That was the key for me.  Even if they said things about “I grew up… I hate the other” Honestly, there was some of that and I said, “Why?” “I’m not sure.  I inherited this.”  And they’re willing to have that and that was honest for me.  I didn’t get kids who were so politically correct that they were involved in coexistence, whatever the new dramatic tension.  Anyhow, that was important for me.

It must have been a challenge to use the IMAX equipment in these locations.

We shot with five different camera systems.  The IMAX camera itself and three of the cameras like bigger than a washing machine.  It sounds like a machine gun.  The film magazines are just three minutes and take ten minutes to load.  So if you’re doing the Via Dolores procession which is once a year, sometimes you need three cameras at once.  We filmed in Digital 3D, we had lightweight system, we built new rigs to put it on the body and have the person walk with the camera attached to them on steady cam so we could do all the Western Wall stuff and in the streets. So it was a lot of problem-solving.  And then there was, “Okay, we got to get underground” so we need a lightweight night kind of low light cameras so that would be another set of test:  How little light can we go?  Can we go candlelight?  A lot of testing, a lot of research and development which is the cool part about making IMAX films which is like taking a camera to space, taking a camera underwater, taking a camera to Jerusalem.

What did you learn from living there that you didn’t learn from all your research trips?

Oh, goodness, just the daily rituals and the idea of the ritual of having the three Sabbaths for example.  I love that.  I actually really love that because I was always invited somewhere else.  Friday, Shabbat dinner was fantastic or meals in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem or something. And always so welcoming, and that’s the thing.  Obviously I had the unique vantage point.  I’m a filmmaker but I was curious and people had stories to tell.

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