Exclusive Clip: ‘There Be Dragons’

Posted on April 18, 2011 at 12:00 pm

We’ve already shared an early glimpse of “There Be Dragons,” an epic action-adventure romance set during the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War, in theaters on May 6. It tells the story of London-based investigative journalist Robert Torres (Dougray Scott), who visits Spain to research a book about Josemaría Escrivá (Charlie Cox), the controversial founder of Opus Dei. We are thrilled to be able to share another exclusive sneak peek:

And here’s the trailer:

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3 Replies to “Exclusive Clip: ‘There Be Dragons’”

  1. Wow! I cannot wait for this movie to come out in theaters, so I can see the whole thing! It looks sooo good! The themes brought up just in these short glimpses are so intriguing. For a film to try to address concepts like doubt and struggles for religious people is so bold, but so relevant to everyone’s own life though! I’m excited simply by the thought of a film like this being released in theaters for people to see and hopefully be inspired by!

  2. This clip really shows the difference between the two paths that people can take in life. I can’t wait to see the rest of this film!

  3. I really enjoyed the clip that i saw and the trailer as well and i would really like to win the free tickets,so that I can see the movie in the theater as soon as possible with my mother,because I think that she would be interested in this kind of movie as well.

    Christina Kalman

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