First ‘Atlas Shrugged’ Scenes Shown at CPAC

Posted on February 16, 2011 at 8:00 am

Ayn Rand’s last novel, Atlas Shrugged, was published in 1957 and has had strong annual sales ever since. It is the story of a strike by the country’s leading industrialists and innovators as a protest of too much control by government. It is finally being filmed and the first glimpses of what is expected to be a trilogy to cover the entire book was shown at last week’s Conservative Political Action Committee gathering in Washington, DC.

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2 Replies to “First ‘Atlas Shrugged’ Scenes Shown at CPAC”

  1. Interesting interview–done some time ago–and replayed recently on NPR with Ayn Rand. She thought altruism was unnecessary and a complete waste of time. Figured if you worked for what you got you had absolutely NO responsibility or reason to share with anyone less fortunate. Your happiness and security were up to you and you needn’t have any guilt about not sharing or having concerns about others, especially those who were poor “or didn’t work hard enough to secure their own futures.” (paraphrasing, but that was the gist.) So why are we not surprised that the CPAC folk think so highly of her and her work/philosophy?? Me: I prefer what Michael Moore said his Dad said to him: “It’s easy to get into Heaven. You just need a permission slip from the poor.” Ciao!

  2. It is fitting that “Atlas Shrugged” be reviewed on Beliefnet, as Ayn Rand is a religion (or more properly, a cult) to her true believers. Her acolytes attempt to employ the language of rationality, but if you scratch the surface they are a faith driven group, quite zealous and totally impervious to facts.

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