4 Replies to “I Met the Terminator!”

  1. Nell,
    I’ve been a long time admirer of both of your acheivements in cg and flicks, both are passions which I share. Unfortunately, I find that the MM site is getting very difficult to navigate.
    Although I have many more, my initial suggestions to you are as follow:
    1) First page should not be just “New In Theatres” but should list all major movies that are playing and your grades. It should be “In Theatres” so that one can scroll down to see everything. I believe that most people that come to your site are looking for your expert opinion before they want to see a current movie, particularly with their family. This would allow them to easily and quickly achieve this.
    2)Top part of the first page with your picture should be significantly reduced so that you can see the “In Theatres” and at least the first 2 movies to help expedite this. First time users might not know to look further down otherwise.
    3) Reviews and your Posts should be not combined and should be divided into different spheres. It’s very confusing and occupies a lot of screen space for those that one to focus on one area.
    4)Once you enter the Genre section all the movies should be listed instead of having to press each alphabetical letter. This is very time consuming and laborious for readers.
    5) The Sort function should be improved so that you can sort within a sort to narrow down your search. For instance, add functions so the searcher can specify “Comedy”, “Grade B+ or higher”, “PG+13 or higher” and “highshoolers or higher” such that only moview that fit all of these criteria appear.
    6) When you press the “Most Popular” button you are sent to a 2008 review of “Expelled No Intelligence”. I was expecting a list of the most popular movies that you rate highly and that are currently showing.
    7)Change the Archive of Reviews so that it is not listed by month but should list all movies that have appeared on a quarterly basis. In others words, under “2011 1Q” list all the movies with reviews linked that appeared in the 1Q, below that under “2011 2Q” all the movies in 2Q and so forth. Otherwise you have to go into each month one-by-one to try to find a review which is frustrating when you dont necessarily know which month they appear in!

    I think these suggestions will significantly improve the readability of your site and its wonderful contents. I’ll try to provide more later.

    Ardent CG & Flick admirer,


    1. Thanks very much, JK. That means a lot to me. Some of the improvements you list have been in the works for a while but it is a challenge and I’m passing along your other suggestions to the management! Here’s hoping.

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