Opening This Week: “The Master,” “Trouble With the Curve,” “End of Watch,” “Dredd 3D”
Posted on September 17, 2012 at 5:51 pm
There’s been something of a slow patch at the box office for the last couple of weeks, but the fall season of potential Oscar-winners really starts up this week with “The Master,” P.T. Anderson’s ambitious new film starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix. It debuted in New York and LA last week, got great reviews, and sold a lot of tickets. “Trouble With the Curve” stars Clint Eastwood in a role that seems made for him — an irascible baseball scout who is losing his eyesight and has to find a way to communicate with his estranged daughter (Amy Adams). Even the action crime drama this week is high end — “End of Watch” has Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña as cops who have been targeted by a drug cartel, and it is written and directed by the screenwriter whose “Training Day” won Denzel Washington an Oscar. Emma Watson makes her first major post-Harry Potter appearance in “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” based on the very popular book by book by Stephen Chbosky
, who wrote and directed. Keep an eye out for Ezra Miller, who was extraordinary in “We Need to Talk About Kevin” and “City Island.” Finally, summer might be over but there’s always another comic-book movie. This week there’s “Dredd 3D” is a remake of Judge Dredd
, a campy Sylvester Stallone film based on UK comic book about the futuristic lawman.
It isn’t screening for critics, so it’s fair to assume they’re not expecting any Oscars for this one.
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