Oscar Nomination Roundtable: Movie Addict Headquarters

Posted on January 25, 2017 at 2:47 pm

It was a pleasure to join my friends Betty Jo Tucker and Mack Bates, along with Geoff Roberts on Betty Jo’s podcast Movie Addict Headquarters to talk about this year’s Oscar nominations — who was left out, who should win, and what we loved most about the films we saw last year.

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Oscar Talk on Movie Addict Headquarters

Posted on January 24, 2016 at 9:20 am

Thanks, as always, to Betty Jo Tucker for inviting me on her podcast, Movie Addict Headquarters. This time, we were joined by Mack Bates and Geoff Roberts to talk about the 2016 Oscars — the surprises and snubs, how we’d cast our votes, and our predictions. Tune in!

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Awards Media Appearances

Movie Addict Headquarters: Comic-Con and “Minions”

Posted on July 29, 2015 at 8:50 am

Many thanks to Betty Jo Tucker and her co-host A.J. Hakari for inviting me back to Movie Addict Headquarters to talk about Comic-Con and “Minions.”

Check Out Movies Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Betty Jo Tucker on BlogTalkRadio with Movie Addict Headquarters on BlogTalkRadio
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