Movies for Earth Day 2015

Posted on April 22, 2015 at 8:00 am

Celebrate Earth Day with some of these great films about our planet, its beauties and its challenges:

1. An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore’s Oscar-winning documentary makes a powerful case for the dire effects of climate change — and an even more powerful case for our ability to prevent more damage before it is too late.

2. Crude from director Joe Berlinger, shows the complexity of the legal issues surrounding international environmental exploitation.

3. Flow: How did a handful of corporations steal our water? The California drought makes this compelling documentary about corporate payoffs and abuses essential viewing. Director Irena Salina told me: “the World Bank knows how to spend $100 million but it does not know how to spend $1000 a million times. For me, that is the essence of the problem. That could not describe better what I’ve seen around the world.” You will never want to buy bottled water again.

4. Silent Running Douglas Trumbull, who created the special effects for “Star Wars,” “Blade Runner,” and many other movies, directed this outer-space story about a botanist caring for the last remnants of plant life from Earth. It features three of the most adorable robots in movie history, named after Donald Duck’s nephews: Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

5. Dora the Explorer – Save the Mermaids Even the youngest children can learn the importance of caring for our planet and there is no better way to begin than this Dora story about saving mermaid friends from a garbage-dumping octopus.


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Environment/Green For Your Netflix Queue

Happy Earth Day! Movies About Our Planet

Posted on April 22, 2014 at 7:00 am


Celebrate Earth Day with some of these great films about our planet, its beauties and its challenges:

1. An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore’s Oscar-winning documentary makes a powerful case for the dire effects of climate change — and an even more powerful case for our ability to prevent more damage before it is too late.

2. Planet Earth — This magnificent BBC series includes extraordinary footage of our planet’s splendor — jungles, deserts, oceans, mountains, and caves, elephants, caribou, dolphins, snow leopards, penguins, and much more. If you can, see it in Blu-Ray — it jumps off the screen.



3. Flow: How Did a Handful of Corporations Steal Our Water? Americans take for granted our most precious and vital resource. We assume that when we turn on the tap, the water that comes out will be perfectly safe and more than plentiful, endless. And then there are those rows and rows of pristine water in bottles on our grocery store shelves.  But it isn’t safe and it isn’t endless. If global warming creates floods, many of us can move to higher ground. If we run out of oil, many of us can walk. But if we run out of water, it is all over for everyone just about immediately.

4. Silent Running  Douglas Trumbull, who created the special effects for “Star Wars,” “Blade Runner,” and many other movies, directed this outer-space story about a botanist caring for the last remnants of plant life from Earth. It features three of the most adorable robots in movie history, named after Donald Duck’s nephews: Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

5. Wall-E Two robots learn to cooperate as humans learn to reclaim the despoiled earth in this charmer from Pixar.

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Environment/Green For Your Netflix Queue

For Earth Day: A New Series About Climate Change

Posted on April 13, 2014 at 3:59 pm

Some people do not believe scientists or the global community, who are united in the warnings about climate change.  Maybe they will believe celebrities.  That’s the idea behind this series, “The Years of Living Dangerously.”  It premieres tonight on Showtime and the first episode is available below.  Harrison Ford, Don Cheadle, and others visit ordinary Americans living with heatwaves and drought and interview scientists about the human causes of climate change.

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Environment/Green Television

Celebrate Earth Day With These Great Movies

Posted on April 22, 2013 at 8:00 am

In addition to previously recommended Earth Day movies, take a look at these gorgeous documentaries about the creatures with whom we share this great planet:

1. March of the Penguins This worldwide sensation takes us to Antarctica, where these elegant birds triumph over brutal cold to protect their fragile eggs and tender chicks.

2. Flow: For Love of Water Our most precious natural resource and the threats from corporations, governments, and our own short-sightedness.

3. Winged Migration Soar with the birds in this breathtaking film.

4. Microcosmos The tiny creatures of the insect world are explored in mesmerizing close-up.

5. Born to Be Wild Rescue efforts for elephants and orangutans are heartwarming and inspiring in this beautifully filmed real-life story.

Jennifer Merin has a great list of Earth Day documentaries, too.

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Documentary Environment/Green Lists
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