For Hannukah — Mama Doni’s Jewish Holiday Party

Posted on November 3, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Hannukah is coming early this year!  Get the family ready to celebrate with the first DVD from Mama Doni, with a warm and tuneful introduction to Hannukah, Passover, and Shabbat.  Mama Doni sings and dances through the holidays, including a bluegrass “Chanukah Oh Chanukah” medley sing-along and matzoh, latke, and challah-making demonstrations.  This exciting new soundtrack features 12 original acoustic versions of classic Jewish favorites by Doni Zasloff-Thomas and guitarist Eric Lindberg.

I have a copy to give away!  Send me an email at with Doni in the subject line and tell me your favorite Hannukah celebration.  Don’t forget your address!  (US addresses only).  I’ll pick a winner at random on November 10.  Good luck!

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