Did Board Games Cause the Financial Meltdown?

Posted on June 18, 2009 at 8:00 am

The Big Money has an interesting — and thought-provoking — slide show suggesting that the roots of the financial crisis come from the lessons we learned as children playing board games. Just look at these directions from Monopoly:

Monopoly has taught us that financial institutions are invincible. The game’s banker cannot go bankrupt, according to the rules: “The Bank never ‘goes broke.’ If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker may issue as much as needed by writing on any ordinary paper.

“The Game of Life” and “Payday” encourage players to buy houses even without money and make deals with or without money and “Risk” encourages them to conquer the world. Fantasy? Well, so were the high-tech and subprime derivative bubbles. I know they are joking here, but it does make me wonder what kinds of games we should create to teach today’s children to be more careful?

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Understanding Media and Pop Culture
Star Trek Monopoly

Star Trek Monopoly

Posted on May 5, 2009 at 9:53 am


Space may be the final frontier, but the newest MONOPOLY collector’s edition boldly goes where no one has gone before. Star Trek fans will get a chance to travel through the Star Trek Continuum and explore generations of Starfleet history. Instead of Boardwalk and Park Place, players will buy, sell and trade memorable Star Trek locations from founding Federation home worlds such as Andoria and Vulcan to other memorable worlds including Bajor, Cardassia Prime and the New Founders’ Homeworld. This quest enables all fans to experience the historic adventures of their favorite captains as they travel around the Galaxy exploring the worlds of Star Trek. Players can take a voyage around the board as one of six collectible pewter tokens including a Vulcan Harp, a Phaser, a Communicator, a Klingon Blood Wine Goblet, a Shuttlecraft, and the Captain’s Chair.

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