More Mr. Rogers
Posted on June 26, 2018 at 9:39 pm
If “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” has you missing Fred Rogers, take a listen to this Motley Fool podcast interview about parenting, kids, and money, filled with Mr. Rogers’ quiet decency.
Posted on June 26, 2018 at 9:39 pm
If “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” has you missing Fred Rogers, take a listen to this Motley Fool podcast interview about parenting, kids, and money, filled with Mr. Rogers’ quiet decency.
Posted on May 26, 2015 at 8:00 am
Daniel Tiger loves being outside and spending time with his family and friends. In these eight stories, he learns about swimming safely and visits the Enchanted Garden to pick strawberries. When a windstorm makes a mess of the playground, Daniel and his friends work together to clean it up and make it ready for play. The colorful board book, Daniel Tiger’s Day at the Beach, shows Daniel and his friends exploring, pretending, and learning how to stay safe.
Posted on June 7, 2012 at 3:00 pm
Thanks to The Wrap for sharing a heartwarming gem. The auto-tuned Mr. Rogers is just as friendly a neighbor as the original.
I am not going to embed the clip because I am sorry to say it is followed by a brief unrelated link to another clip with some offensive language. But do visit the YouTube page and just turn it off as soon as you see the end credit.
Posted on August 3, 2011 at 3:48 pm
“Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” welcomed children with low-key warmth and delivered its affirmations and lessons with great sweetness. It ran nationally from 1968-2001 and its reruns are still watched by the children and grandchildren of the original viewers. PBS has announced an animated spin-off featuring some of the characters from the neighborhood. It will be called “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” and will premiere next year and it will focus on the next generation in the Neighborhood of Make Believe, including Prince Wednesday, son of King Friday and Queen Sara; Miss Elaina, daughter of Lady Elaine Fairchild; Katerina Kittycat, daughter of Henrietta Pussycat; and O the Owl, nephew of X the Owl. Trolley and Mr. McFeely will be on hand as well.
Sounds like a very nice neighborhood to visit.