October Releases: Awards Season Begins

Posted on October 7, 2013 at 8:00 am

Fall is here and that means we will start seeing some of the movies the studios are betting on for Oscars, Golden Globes, and Critics Choice Awards.  “Gravity” is a critical and box office hit already, just four days after its release, with Oscar talk about Sandra Bullock’s bravura performance and the even more impressive work by co-writer/director Alfonso Cuarón and the visual and sound effects team.  Coming up this week and through the month we have two more movies, both based on true stories, that have already generated awards talk:

“Captain Phillips” (October 11) Tom Hanks stars in a gripping story of the real-life captain who was kidnapped by Somali pirates.


“12 Years a Slave” (October 18) Chiwetel Ejiofor plays Solomon Northrup, a free black man who was captured and sold into slavery. Brad Pitt, Alfre Woodard, Michael Fassbender, and Benedict Cumberbatch co-star.


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