Quiz: Christmas Movies

Posted on December 9, 2009 at 3:59 pm

How many of these Christmas movie questions can you answer?
1. Two successful male performers have to step in for a sister act to perform one of their signature songs.
2. There are many versions of the Dickens classic “A Christmas Carol,” but only one has dual Marley ghosts. Which one?
3. And which version has an aptly-named performer playing the lead role?
4. Which classic television movie features the Heat Miser and the Snow Miser? Extra credit: Who is their mother?
5. Name three inhabitants of the Island of Misfit Toys.
6. What classic has a child recite the story of the nativity from the Gospel of Luke?
7. Which Christmas classic has two characters named Bert and Ernie?
8. Which movie has one character ask whether Santa sleeps with his beard outside or inside the covers?
9. Which movie features Cindy Lou Who?
10. What was the secret message revealed by Ralphie’s decoder ring?

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Quiz: Alien movies

Posted on August 19, 2009 at 8:00 am

In honor of this month’s most talked-about movie, District 9 and the family movie “Aliens in the Attic,” here’s a quiz about some of the most memorable interplanetary visitors from the history of film.
1. While movie featured aliens who communicated via mashed potatoes, beams of light, and ultimately, musical notes?
2. Which “Star Trek” actor appeared in one of the highest-grossing alien movies of all time?
3. What movie has an alien using a recently-dead human’s DNA to replicate his body?
4. What movie has aliens played by Jim Carrey and Damon Wayans?
5. Some movies feature humans who marry aliens — can you name one?
6. Which Academy award-winning, classically trained actress appeared in two different movies where heart-warming aliens provided some assistance?
7. Aliens seem to like our nation’s capitol. Can you name two movies that feature invasions involving Washington DC landmarks?
8. Which alien story written by Jack Finney has now been made into four different films (so far)?
9. Which cartoon alien has such a strong following among scientists that his image appears on the Mars rover?
10. And which animated alien is befriended by a little Hawaiian girl?
Bonus question: Name two aliens from television series.

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How Well Do You Know Hannah Montana?

How Well Do You Know Hannah Montana?

Posted on August 13, 2009 at 8:00 am

Sweet niblets! Think you know Miley and her new movie better than anyone in the world? Well, put yourself to the test with this ultimate Hannah Montana: The Movie quiz. These questions are toughies, so make sure you brush up on your film knowledge before you put pen to paper. Good luck!hannah_montana_the_movie31.jpg
These questions are all about Miley’s mega musical movie. Ready, set, go…
Who is the first Hannah Montana character to appear on screen at the start of the film?
What’s the name of the first song Hannah sings at the opening concert?
What’s the name of the British tabloid magazine trying to get a big scoop on Hannah?
Which famous TV star has a fight with Hannah over a pair of shoes?
What is written on the sign above the entrance to Lilly’s birthday party?
On which pier is Lilly’s party held?
What color is Lilly’s skateboarding helmet?
What color is the top layer of Lilly’s birthday cake?
True or False? The drums at Lilly’s party are pink.
What song does Hannah sing at Lilly’s party?
What’s the name of the town where Miley grew up in the movie?
What animal can be heard when Hannah touches down in Tennessee?


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Terminator Quiz

Terminator Quiz

Posted on May 19, 2009 at 3:59 pm

In honor of this week’s release of “Terminator Salvation,” here’s a quiz about the earlier versions.
1. What is the name of the corporation that created the machines that are trying to kill all the humans?
2. What is the name given to the day when the machines took over?
3. In the first movie, what do the women killed by the title character have in common?
4. What is the change that led the computer to view humans as a threat?
5. What legendary science fiction writer is given credit for inspiring the series?
6. Who played the scientist who created the microprocessor that makes the Terminators possible?
7. What name does the Terminator use to ask about the foster family’s dog?terminator_two_judgement_day.jpg
8. What does the young John Connor teach the Terminator to say?
9. Why do John and Kate go to Crystal Peak in “Terminator 3?”
10. What is the significance of the name of the Terminator in the television series, “The Sarah Connor Chronicles?”

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